This is a version of OpenKorPOS-dic packaged for use in Python with pymecab-ko.
OpenKorPOS-dic is developed by Sangwhan Moon, Won Ik Cho, Hyejoo Han, Naoaki Okazaki, and Nam Soo Kim for a comparison target of a new method claimed in their paper
To install:
pip install openkorpos-dic
To initialize with pymecab-ko:
>>> import mecab_ko as MeCab
>>> import openkorpos_dic
>>> tagger = MeCab.Tagger(openkorpos_dic.MECAB_ARGS)
>>> print(tagger.parse("아버지가방에들어가신다"))
아버지 NNG,*,F,아버지,*,*,*,*
가 JKS,*,F,가,*,*,*,*
방 NNG,*,T,방,*,*,*,*
에 JKB,*,F,에,*,*,*,*
들어가 VV,*,F,들어가,*,*,*,*
신다 EP+EF+VCP,*,F,신다,Inflect,EP,VCP,시/EP/*+ᆫ다/EF/*+이/VCP/*
- 08/31/2022:
The version of the original dictionary is not defined yet.
Therefore, I defined the version like the version of other mecab compatible dictionaries. And I added the commit hash id of the original repository to make it distinguishable.>>> openkorpos_dic.VERSION '1.0.0-20220620-c72cb7d'
OpenKorPOS-dic is available under the GPL-2.0 license, see here.