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Issue 9 - November 2021

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@NormanDunbar NormanDunbar released this 14 Nov 17:11
· 35 commits to master since this release

Well, I managed to get two issues into 2021! This is the latest and probably the final one for this year. What can we find in Issue 9? Well:

  • QL2WIN - a utility to convert from QL line ends to Windows line ends when transferring text files between systems. This is one I wrote for myself, but these days, many Windows editors are happy to load and save in Linux format -- similar to what the QL uses.
  • WIN2QL - a utility to go the other way!
  • Circular Buffers - a fairly long chapter explaining how circular buffers work and some code to enable them to be used on the QL. Are they useful? You tell me!

As ever, if you only want to read the issue, grab the PDF and the code file if necessary. If you want to checkout the LaTeX and LyX source code used to build each issue, then grab the zip or tar.gz file. The PDF and files will be included so you don't have to download them separately.
