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Post random posts from e621/e926 every few minutes according to per channel configurable tags

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e621 nombot



Usage: /nsfw <nsfw: string>

  • If <nsfw> is omitted, gets the currently set nsfw mode
  • If <nsfw> is provided, sets the nsfw mode
  • <nsfw> can be either "sfw" or "nsfw"
    • sfw means "safe for work". this will use the api
    • nsfw means "not safe for work". this will use the api
  • Required permissions: MANAGE_CHANNEL


Usage /timeout_mode <timeout_mode: string>

  • If <timeout_mode> is omitted, gets the currently set timeout mode
  • If <timeout_mode> is provided, sets the timeout mode
  • <timeout_mode> can be either normal or random
    • random means messages will be sent with a randomly choosen timeout, between a minimum of 3 minutes and a maximum of <timeout> minutes
    • normal means messages will be sent every <timeout> minutes
  • Required permissions: MANAGE_CHANNEL


Usage /register_in_guild


Usage /register_globally


Usage: /shutdown Shuts down the bot

  • ℹ️ This command can only be used by bot owners.


Usage: /start Starts sending images in the current channel.

  • Required permissions: MANAGE_CHANNEL


Usage: /stop Stops sending images in the current channel.

  • Required permissions: MANAGE_CHANNEL


Usage: /tags <..tags: string>

  • If <tags> is omitted, gets the currently set tags
  • If <tags> is provided, sets the tags
    • Tags are space separated
    • Tags are the exact same thing you would enter into the e621/e926 search bar
    • See more infos on tags here:
  • Required permissions: MANAGE_CHANNEL


Usage: /timeout <timeout: int>

  • If <timeout> is omitted, gets the currently set timeout
  • If <timeout> is provided, sets the timeout
    • Timeout is in minutes
    • See /timeout_mode for more infos.
  • Required permissions: MANAGE_CHANNEL

Persistency using Redis

The following strings are variables to be replaced in the redis keys:

  • BOT_PREFIX: A prefix for the bot as to not confuse entries with other applications using the redis instance
  • GUILD_ID: An ID of a discord guild. As time of writing, this is a 64 bit unsigned int
  • CHANNEL_ID: An ID of a discord channel. As time of writing, this is a 64 bit unsigned int
  • MESSAGE_ID: An ID of a discord message. As time of writing, this is a 64 bit unsigned int
  • USER_ID: An ID of a discord user. As time of writing, this is a 64 bit unsigned int


Set of all guild ids


Set of all channel ids of a guild


Set of all message ids of a channel


Points to a hashmap of possible configuration parameters for a guild Current config parameters are:

  • moderator_roles (string):
    • role ids separated by spaces which are allowed to run the bot commands


Points to a hashmap of possible configuration parameters for a channel Current config parameters are:

  • tags (string):
    • the search query with each tag separated by spaces
  • timeout (int):
    • if timeout_mode is false, amount of minutes to wait till the next post
    • if timeout_mode is true, the maximum amount of minutes a timeout is choosen from
  • timeout_mode (string):
    • decided when the bot posts
    • if normal, then the bot posts every n minutes
    • if random, then the bot chooses a random number of minutes to wait
  • nsfw (string):
    • decides if queries are done against or
    • if sfw, then is used
    • if nsfw, then is used
  • repost_cache_timeout (int):
    • amount of minutes that an entry is kept in cache


A hashmap:

  • post_id (int):
    • the e621/e926 post id
  • delete_threshold (int):
    • downvotes needed for the post to be deleted A sorted hashmap with the key being a post ID and the value the timestamp it was posted at.
  • These ID's will be evicted after repost_cache_timeout minutes of time have passed.


A set of discord user ids who downvoted the post on that message id.


A set of discord user ids who upvoted the post on that message id.


Post random posts from e621/e926 every few minutes according to per channel configurable tags







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