2018-12-21 TypeError: No loop matching the specified signature and casting was found for ufunc add 【open】
Also the batch size shouldn't be too large, Colab seems to have problems with that. 20 should be fine.
It was probably caused by corrupted training/testing datasets. Fetch datasets from remote rather than uploading from local.
!wget http://files.fast.ai/data/dogscats.zip && unzip -qq dogscats.zip -d drive/'My Drive'/colab/data/
--2018-12-21 00:29:26-- http://files.fast.ai/data/dogscats.zip
Resolving files.fast.ai (files.fast.ai)...
Connecting to files.fast.ai (files.fast.ai)||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 857214334 (818M) [application/zip]
Saving to: ‘dogscats.zip’