This repository is what we call a "subtree split": a read-only copy of one directory of the main repository. It is used by Composer to allow developers to depend on specific bundles.
If you want to report or contribute, you should instead open your issue on the main repository:
Documentation is available in this repository via .md
files but also packaged here:
Easily enable a Maintenance page.
Add the lib to your composer.json, run composer require novactive/ezmaintenancebundle
to refresh dependencies.
Then inject the bundle in the bundles.php
of your application.
Novactive\NovaeZMaintenanceBundle\NovaeZMaintenanceBundle::class => [ 'all'=> true ],
Activate the sroutes:
resource: '@NovaeZMaintenanceBundle/Resources/config/routing/main.yaml'
php app|ezpublish/console cache:clear --env=dev
Maintenance page will return 503 status code and VCL will abandon it, So update your vcl to force displaying response with 503 and X-Maintenance header
if (bereq.http.accept ~ "application/vnd.fos.user-context-hash"
&& beresp.status >= 500 && !beresp.http.X-Maintenance
) {
return (abandon);
enable: false # to enable to capability
template: '@ibexadesign/maintenance.html.twig' # the template you want as a maintenace page
lock_file_id: 'plop.lock' # the name of the lock file in the cluster