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GitLab Monorepo Scripts for generating CI/CD configuration

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GitLab Monorepo Scripts

Scripts that will generate GitLab CI configuration for monorepo projects.

Inspired by awesome-inc/monorepo.gitlab


  • Generate per-package CI jobs
  • Execute jobs only for changed packages
  • Containerization with Docker
  • Deploy Node.js applications to Heroku
  • Deploy static to Firebase Hosting

These features are archived with yarn workspaces, shell scripts and by following few branch naming rules.


In order to execute scripts CI should be run with an image with following installed tools:

  • bash
  • curl
  • git
  • jq
  • Node.js
  • Yarn

By default will be used an suitable image based on Alpine Linux.

For container jobs will be used docker based image.


git clone <project-name>
cd <project-name>
yarn install


Strategy is to generate .gitlab-ci.yml on precommit stage. In package.json in the root folder there is a defined prepare-ci script that will be executed on precommit hook.

Add package

cd packages/<new-package>
yarn init

Answer to yarn's questions. Note that project must be private and with name started with packagePrefix defined in monorepo.json.

How it works? TL;DR

  • CI config generates per-package jobs based on the CI-config file of the package.
  • New branches should be named depending on the prefix of the package, the changes to which they are adding. Because of this to the pipeline will be added only related jobs.
  • There are changes detection scripts thats will determine changed packages. This scripts are launched on prepare stage for all branches and will mark changed packages.
  • CI keeps track of whole package-dependencies tree of a package. Any changes to the package-dependency will be reflected in its dependants (i.e. dependant CI jobs will be pushed to the pipeline for dependency package).

CI Configuration


monorepo.json is required file that defines global CI options.

  • packagesPrefix - string, required. Prefix used in package.json of every package for naming package.
  • packagesRoot - string, required. Relative to root directory path to packages root folder.
  • packageCIConfig - string, required. Filename of the file with per-package CI configuration.
  • baseYAML - string, required. Filename of the file with base CI global configuration.


Predefined base CI configuration. It can be tweaked for specific project's needs.

Per-package configuration

Every package must have {packageCIConfig}.json file.

CI config is generated on precommit stage. Script will check {packagesRoot} folder for packages and depending on their {packageCIConfig}.json will add jobs for them to the config. Per-package changes detection and branches naming rules ensure that exactly necessary jobs will be executed for any branch.


  • branchPrefix - string, required. Determine with what prefix should be named branch corresponding to this package.
  • dependencies - object with first level package-dependencies of the package, default: {}. Sometimes there is impossible to use yarn workspace dependencies directly by listing them in package.json (for example, in Firebase Functions). By listing dependencies here we will still have correct dependencies tree to trigger relative jobs.
  • ci - boolean, default: true. if false CI will be skipped completely.
  • build - boolean|'separate', default: false. Define if a packages should be built. If 'separate' option is chosen CI will create separate build jobs for staging and production. Usefull for providing different environment variables for different targets.
  • pre - boolean, default: false. Should build job be executed in prebuild stage. Usefull for libraries with build artifacts that are used by other packages
  • toolchain - string, default: nodejs. Toolchain that will be used for build. Supported toolchains: nodejs, rust.
  • artifacts - [string], required for packages with build stage. Paths that will be added to artifacts of the job.
  • artifactsPath - 'package'|'global', default: package. If package artifacts paths will be prefixed with $PACKAGE_ROOT/, if global paths will be used as is.
  • heroku - object, required for packages with deploy stage. Defines Heroku targets to deploy.
    • staging - string, required.
    • production - string, required.
  • deploy - boolean|'firebase', default: false. Produce image and deploy it if true. Deploy to Firebase Hosting if firebase.
  • test - boolean, default: false.
  • test:e2e - boolean|'staging'|'production', default: false. Add End-to-end tests to the pipeline. Currently supports tests via Cypress. See End-to-end tests for details.
  • pages - boolean, default: false. If true this job will trigger GitLab Pages.


Environmental variables can be provided to {packageCIConfig}.json. They are usefull with separate build flag.

"variables": {
  "build": {
    "*": {
      "SHARED_VARIABLE": "shared_var"
    "staging": {
      "TARGET_VAR": "staging_var"
    "production": {
      "TARGET_VAR": "staging_var"

First we specify stage where variable should be provided, e.g. build. Then we define target. * means that variable will be included to both staging and production. If build is not in separate mod just specify variables in *:

"variables": {
  "build": {
    "*": {
      "VARIABLE": "var"


Main Branches

  • master - latest production branch
  • dev - latest development branch
  • release-* - the only type of branches which allowed to be merged into master

Branch Rules

  • Git branch may change only one package in the most cases
  • Git branch must be conventionally named starting with a package's prefix defined in <package>/{packageCIConfig}.json. It will help CI add to the pipeline only related to this package jobs
  • Words are separated by a -
  • root- prefix for changes in multiple packages and global changes that affect potentially every package. This branch will run OOC jobs for every package!



Every package can include following stages. Per-package stages can be empty if package has this stage disabled in {packageCIConfig}.json.


Global required stage. Added for every pipeline. Adds to CI meta information about packages: package-dependencies list, changed packages list, ref of last green commit. This information will be used by other stages to decide which jobs should be executed.


Per-package optional stage. Added for every branch if test in {packageCIConfig}.json is true. Running all tests in a signle job is faster than running a couple of tests each inside it's own job. So for main branches will be lauched tests for all packages inside a single job.

End-to-end tests

End-to-end tests can be enabled for every package in {packageCIConfig}.json.

  "test:e2e": {
    "target": "staging" | "production" | "*" | true,
    "platform": "cypress",
    "artifacts": ["videos"]
  • 'staging' or 'production' target - tests will be added only for corresponding target.
  • '*' or true target - tests will be added for all targets
  • 'cypress' is a default platform

There are some requirements for package.json file:

  • It must has start:e2e and test:e2e scripts

Sample scripts for Cypress:

  "scripts": {
    "start:e2e": "node server.js",
    "test:e2e": "wait-on http://localhost:8080 && cypress run"

wait-on is utility library that should be installed. It will wait for 2xx response from server. See here for more details on CI with Cypress.


Per-package optional stage. Added for every branch if build in {packageCIConfig}.json is true. Will execute yarn build for specific package for nodejs toolchain, otherwise will execute script in the package's folder.


Per-package optional stage. Added for master, dev and release- branches if deploy in {packageCIConfig}.json is true. Adds docker image for container to Gitlab registry. Production and staging images are tagged independently. On master branch will be produced production image, on dev and release- branches - staging image.


There are two different kinds of jobs for deploy that depends on target branch.


Per-package optional stage. Added for dev and release- branches if deploy in {packageCIConfig}.json is true. Push staging image from container stage to the deploy target.


Per-package optional stage. Added for master branch if deploy in {packageCIConfig}.json is true. Push production image from container stage to the deploy target.

Deploy to Firebase Hosting

Environmental variable FIREBASE_TOKEN is required to deploy to Firebase Hosting.

Launch only needed jobs

Technique of last green commit is used to determine the origin point for deciding are there any changes to the package. Scripts on prepare stage will mark changed packages. Other jobs will use these marks to decide if real job is necessary. There are two type of branches that help CI to figure out what jobs should be launched: main branches and features branches.

Main branches

  • master
  • dev
  • release-*

Main branches trigger pipeline for every package. Even if package was not changed - corresponding jobs will be included to the pipeline. It is necessary because we can't tell changes to which package will be merged into these branches. It can be any package and CI should be able to run jobs for every package. Real job will be performed only if package was marked as changed. Still there are overhead for starting jobs, but there is no other way with GitLab for now.

Feature branches

  • {branchPrefix}-*

Newly created branches has no green commit and therefore every package is assummed as changed. Jobs with false-positive changes checks will be added to the pipeline. It is a exactly the same overhead as one for main branches. But this time it can be eliminated with branch naming rules. There is a contract that no other package has changed in the branch except that with which the branch was assosiated. Therefore only related to the package jobs can be included to the pipeline.

Core files

There are some "core" files and directories that fundamentally affect every package. Changes to them will mark all packages as changed.


It is absolutely safe to modify package-dependency(PD) of a package. Scripts that mark changed packages will scan for changes not only in folder corresponding to package, but in all folders of its PD-tree. It is possible with help of prepare stage scripts that generate .DEPENDENCIES file with mapping between package and its PDs.


GitLab Monorepo Scripts for generating CI/CD configuration







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