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HTML to DraftJS

Convert HTML into DraftJS JSON format.

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Commits since latest release Supported versions Supported implementations


pip install html-to-draftjs


from html_to_draftjs import html_to_draftjs

json = html_to_draftjs("""
    <h1>My Page</h1>


    <p>Some <em>content</em> that is pretty <strong>interesting</strong></p>
    <p>Don't forget to <a href="">follow me!</a></p>

    <p><img src="" alt="image" /></p>


html_to_draftjs(raw_html_content: str[, features="lxml", strict=False]) -> dict

Converts a given HTML input into JSON.

  • features the features for the HTML tree-builder. By default it is set to lxml which is fast and powerful.
  • strict (boolean), if false, it will only warn on invalid operations. If true, it will raise errors.

soup_to_draftjs(bs_object: BeautifulSoup[, strict=False]) -> dict

Converts a given beautiful soup into JSON. Useful if you have to select a given part of the HTML content to convert it (e.g. #content).

  • strict (boolean), if false, it will only warn on invalid operations. If true, it will raise errors.

Supported Tags and Attributes


  • <div>, <p>
  • <h1> ... <h6>
  • <blockquote>
  • <li> and <ol> (doesn't support <ul> grouping)
  • Doesn't support the align attribute.

Inline Styling

  • <strong>, <b>
  • <em>, <i>


  • <img src="url" [alt="alt"] [height="123"] [width="123"]>
  • <a href="url">
  • <br/>
  • Doesn't support the title and align attributes.


./ develop
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt