This directory contains a TeX file which, when compiled into a PDF, forms the paper Directorate Connectedness and Firm Performance: The Case of New York City, 1902-1912. The paper investigates the connectedness of corporate directors in New York City and their firms' performance. The full paper can be found in NYCDirectors.pdf
This article uses network theory to investigate the topological structure of the New York City directorate network. We quote the abstract of the article below.
We project a dataset of New York City directors from 1902–1912 as a network of social relations and firm interlocks. This network is coupled with firm performance metrics to investigate whether a more connected directorate enjoys an improved robustness to economic shocks and better profitability.
The sources of data used in the article are referenced in the paper. In short:
- The directorate network was constructed from the New York City Directory of Directors, published annually from 1902 to 1912.
- Firm valuation was collected from the New York Times TimesMachine.
- Bank valuation was collected from the Annual Report of the Superintendent of Banks for each year between 1902 to 1912.
- Supplementary data on the assets and liabilities of financial institutions was collected from the Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency for each year between 1902 to 1912.
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- For Windows I suggest using MiKTex,
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- For Ubuntu Linux I suggest using TeX Live.
All networks were rendered with the Gephi
software package which can be found here.
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