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Fixed problem when splitting covariate and not stratifying by ID
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Schuemie authored and Schuemie committed Aug 28, 2017
1 parent 1a2fe1e commit 550e641
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Showing 6 changed files with 100 additions and 4 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions DESCRIPTION
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
Package: SelfControlledCaseSeries
Type: Package
Title: Self-Controlled Case Series
Version: 1.1.1
Date: 2017-07-05
Version: 1.1.2
Date: 2017-08-28
Author: Martijn Schuemie, Patrick Ryan, Trevor Shaddox, Marc A. Suchard
Maintainer: Martijn Schuemie <>
Description: SelfControlledCaseSeries is an R package for performing self-
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5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion R/DataConversion.R
Expand Up @@ -358,7 +358,10 @@ addCovariateSettings <- function(settings, covariateSettings, sccsData) {
outputId <- outputId + length(covariateSettings$splitPoints) + 1
varNames <- rep(covariateSettings$label, length(covariateSettings$splitPoints) + 1)
varNames <- paste(varNames, " day ", startDays, "-", c(endDays[1:length(endDays) - 1], ""))
covariateSettings$outputIds <- matrix(outputIds, ncol = 1)
# covariateSettings$outputIds <- matrix(outputIds, ncol = 1)
covariateSettings$outputIds <- matrix(outputIds,
ncol = length(covariateSettings$splitPoints) + 1,
byrow = TRUE)
newCovariateRef <- data.frame(covariateId = outputIds,
covariateName = varNames,
originalCovariateId = 0,
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/Power.R
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# @file Power.R
# Copyright 2016 Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics
# Copyright 2017 Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics
# This file is part of SelfControlledCaseSeries
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Binary file modified extras/SelfControlledCaseSeries.pdf
Binary file not shown.
29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions extras/SplittingSimulations.R
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
options(fftempdir = "c:/fftemp")

rw <- createSimulationRiskWindow(start = 0,
end = 0,
addExposedDaysToEnd = TRUE,
relativeRisks = 2)

settings <- createSccsSimulationSettings(covariateIds = c(1,2),
simulationRiskWindows = list(rw, rw))

sccsData <- simulateSccsData(10000, settings)

covarSettings <- createCovariateSettings(label = "Exposures of interest",
includeCovariateIds = c(1,2),
stratifyById = FALSE,
start = 0,
end = 0,
addExposedDaysToEnd = TRUE,
splitPoints = 7)

sccsEraData <- createSccsEraData(sccsData,
naivePeriod = 0,
firstOutcomeOnly = FALSE,
covariateSettings = covarSettings)

model <- fitSccsModel(sccsEraData)

64 changes: 64 additions & 0 deletions tests/testthat/test-eraConstruction.R
Expand Up @@ -500,6 +500,70 @@ test_that("Exposure splitting twice", {
expect_equal(result$covariates$covariateId, c(1000, 1001, 1002))

test_that("Merging exposures (stratifyById=FALSE)", {
cases <- data.frame(observationPeriodId = 1,
personId = 1,
observationDays = 100,
ageInDays = 0,
startYear = 2000,
startMonth = 5,
startDay = 1,
censoredDays = 0)
eras <- data.frame(eraType = c("hoi", "hei", "hei"),
observationPeriodId = c(1, 1, 1),
conceptId = c(10, 11, 12),
value = c(1, 1, 1),
startDay = c(50, 25, 70),
endDay = c(50, 75, 100))
result <- convertToSccsDataWrapper(cases,
covariateSettings = createCovariateSettings(includeCovariateIds = c(11,12),
stratifyById = FALSE,
start = 0,
end = 0,
addExposedDaysToEnd = TRUE))
expect_equal(result$outcomes$rowId, c(0, 1))
expect_equal(result$outcomes$stratumId, c(1, 1))
expect_equal(result$outcomes$time, c(25, 75))
expect_equal(result$outcomes$y, c(0, 1))
expect_equal(result$covariates$rowId, c(1))
expect_equal(result$covariates$stratumId, c(1))
expect_equal(result$covariates$covariateId, c(1000))

test_that("Exposure splitting without stratifyById", {
cases <- data.frame(observationPeriodId = 1,
personId = 1,
observationDays = 100,
ageInDays = 0,
startYear = 2000,
startMonth = 5,
startDay = 1,
censoredDays = 0)
eras <- data.frame(eraType = c("hoi", "hei", "hei"),
observationPeriodId = c(1, 1, 1),
conceptId = c(10, 11, 12),
value = c(1, 1, 1),
startDay = c(50, 25, 70),
endDay = c(50, 75, 100))
result <- convertToSccsDataWrapper(cases,
covariateSettings = createCovariateSettings(includeCovariateIds = c(11,12),
stratifyById = FALSE,
start = 0,
end = 0,
addExposedDaysToEnd = TRUE,
splitPoints = c(50)))
expect_equal(result$outcomes$rowId, c(0, 1, 2))
expect_equal(result$outcomes$stratumId, c(1, 1, 1))
expect_equal(result$outcomes$time, c(25,51, 24))
expect_equal(result$outcomes$y, c(0, 1, 0))
expect_equal(result$covariates$rowId, c(1, 2))
expect_equal(result$covariates$stratumId, c(1, 1))
expect_equal(result$covariates$covariateId, c(1000, 1001))

test_that("Pre-exposure window", {
cases <- data.frame(observationPeriodId = 1,
personId = 1,
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