~40 (growing to ~50) ~30 from germany, ~13 from (non-german) europe
- scientists: 30
- citizen sci: 5
- interested: 5
- life sciences: 10
- physics: 9
- chemistry: 1
- math: 2
- architect: 1
- humanities: 5
- engineers: 4
lots of PhD, some postdocs, no prof
most have rough idea
clustering by field
3 rounds (2min each)
- Idea
- Data generation
- Data analysis
- Publication
- Funding
Discussing how open each aspect is
- Open Access
- paying more money to the publisher
- goleden open access
- APC not necessary (other business models) - diamond open access
- using repositories (not necessarily peer reviewed)
- green open access
- cost much lower than price (for most publishers)
- publishers add reputation (we can not replace that immediately)
- impact factor plays a huge role
- Open Data