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Book record management for library backend development project using node js, express js and mongodb

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Postman documentation

Routes and Endpoints


POST: Create a new user✅ GET: Get all list of users✅


GET: Get a user by ID✅ PUT: Update a user by ID✅ DELETE: Delete a user by ID (cheack if there is any issued book) (is there any fine to be paid)✅


GET: get the subscription details✅

  1. if subscription Expired
  2. days Left For Subscription Expiration
  3. subscription Expire Fine
  4. late Books Return_ in Days
  5. late Books Return Fine
  6. totalFine


GET: get all the books✅ POST: create a new book✅


GET: get a book by id✅ PUT: update a book by id✅


GET: get a book by name✅


GET: get all the issued books✅


GET: get all issued books with fine

  1. issuedBy_name:{user name}
  2. issuedBy_surname: {user surname}
  3. issuedDate,
  4. fineForLateReturn:{true/false}
  5. fineForSubscriptionExpiry:{true/false}


Subscription type

Basic (3 months) Standard(6 months) Premium (12 months)



subscription expiration fine 100/-

(if a user did not return issued book within his subscription period then subscription expiration fine will be applied)

late books return fine 5/- per day

(if a user did not return issued book within specified return date of that particular book then after the return date fine of Rs. 5 will be applied each day untill the user returns the book )


test case

for a user with -

date format MM/DD/YYYYY, issuedDate: 04/01/2023, returnDate: 05/01/2023, subscriptionType: Basic, subscriptionDate: 02/01/2023

his subscription and fine related delails will be as followed -

subscriptionExpired: true, daysLeftForSubscriptionExpiration: 0, subscriptionExpireFine: 100, lateBooksReturn_inDays: 54, lateBooksReturnFine: 270, totalFine: 370