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How to submit your provider

xumins edited this page Oct 21, 2015 · 2 revisions

Provider Submission Workflow

1. Initial Request

  • Use GitHub Issues
  • OneGet team monitors Issues

2. Fill out Provider Submission Form

  • Author fills out the detailed Provider Submission Form for your provider
  • OneGet team reviews

We are working on the XML based Provider Submission Form template so that you can automate and validate the process.

3. Plug-in to OneGet

  • OneGet adds your provider feed to the master Swidtag list
  • You maintain your feed, and detailed provider Swidtag
  • All URL links in Swidtag MUST be HTTPs

Alternative submission flow

  • If your provider is implemented in PowerShell, we suggest you publish directly to PowerShell Gallery
  • If you do not want to host your provider yourself, we may host it for you

Ask of Provider owners

  • Maintain your swidtag, feed, your provider and versions, etc
  • Ensure availability of your web site where your provider is stored
  • Provide quick bug fix turnaround for major perf issues

OneGet’s SLA to end user

  • OneGet’s value is to facilitate discovery and retrieval of a provider to end user. It does not provide additional security or validation of the provider content

  • OneGet will remove the provider within 24hours or earlier, if any of the following is reported on a provider:

    1. Licensing or legal issue

    2. Security issue

    3. Major performance issue, such as a provider hangs the PS session

  • OneGet will inform the author about the issues

Provider Submission Form

	○ Description of the provider
	○ location and files of the binaries 
	○ name, version, author/publisher, Resource language, ProcessorArchitecture (x64, x86, etc)
	○ Platform, i.e. supported OS version. e.x. Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows Server 2008 R2, etc
	○ Implemented OneGet APIs or supported OneGet cmdlets, with get-help equivalent script, description of any parameters specific to this provider
	○ Security model 
			□ All connections must be HTTPS
			□ By default, untrusted
			□ Digital signed - optional
			□ Hash - optional
	○ Licensing?
	○ Is it associated with any Package Source, i.e. repository?
		□ Must be included in the package Provider summary
	○ Dependency 
		□ If provider has dependency, recommend to put in PS Gallery as it support dependency installation
	○ Do we require source code? Only accept for OPEN SOURCE Providers (not close source provider )
		□  strongly recommend running virus scan
	○ Strongly recommend providing runnable test cases, test script, and examples
	○ Recommended provider packaging in: .dll, .zip (multiple DLLs or files), .psd1,  no .exe, no .msi
	○ For PowerShell based provider, the provider name should be the same as the PS module name