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Releases: OneSignal/react-native-onesignal


03 Nov 00:27
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React-Native 3.2.8

• This update include a significant number of bug fixes to the iOS and Android native SDK's

Android Fixes & Improvements

OneSignal Android 3.10.3 SDK

  • Notification Restore Improvements (PR #645)
    • Limit number of notification restored to 49
      • This is the max visible limit per app, Android omits displaying any more
      • Helps mitigate issue #644
    • Slowed Restore rate to 5 per second
    • Above 2 changes cleans up NotificationService warnings from the logcat
  • GDPR method fixes
    • Allow calling provideUserConsent before init. PR #648
    • Allow calling add observer methods before provideUserConsent(true) is called. #655
  • Fixed IllegalArgumentException thrown from JobIntentService in a specific case
    • Issue was only happening with high priority notifications that had a remote image with an app setup with a NotificationExtenderService and running on Android Oreo+, in some cases.
    • Fixes issue #649
  • Fix for OneSignalSyncServiceUtils throwing IllegalArgumentException when boot permission is removed.
  • Possible fix for rare "Package manager has died" error. PR #658

OneSignal Android 3.10.2 SDK

  • Fixed NPE with ChangeTagsUpdateHandler when a tag update results in no changes. PR #611
  • Fixed FirebaseInstanceIdService IllegalArgumentException exception
  • Fixed rare NPE Bundle error on RestoreJobService.onHandleWork. Issue #591
  • NotificationExtenderService now respects FCM High priority to wake from Dose mode. PR #640
  • Fixed fallback of medium and lower priorities of Notification Channel for pre-Oreo devices. PR #639
  • Fixed issue with disabling enableVibrate or enableSound was not respected.
    • When initializing OneSignal after Application.onCreate.
    • Note, settings only apply to Android 7.0 and older.
    • Methods will be deprecated, please migrate to Android Categories / Channels
  • Cleaned up GCM related warning in logcat when a push is received. #642
    • CANCELLED forIntent { act=... flg=0x10000000 pkg=... }

iOS Fixes & Improvements

OneSignal iOS 2.9.3 SDK

• Fixes an issue with provisional notifications (no git issue) where a user would receive a provisional notification, tap 'Keep', and then tap 'Deliver Prominently', which should cause notifications to be delivered like normal: however in previous releases notifications would have no sound/alert/badge until the app was next restarted.
• Fixes some DSYMUtil warnings developers would see in regards to our framework including debugging information. (#440)

OneSignal iOS 2.9.2 SDK

• This release fixes an iOS 12 issue where enabling "Deliver Quietly" and then opening the app would cause notifications to stop being delivered entirely.


12 Sep 00:57
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react-native-onesignal Improvements

• This minor release updates the version of the native iOS SDK used by react-native-onesignal

iOS 2.8.8 Improvements & Fixes

• This release fixes an issue (#410) where users that add buttons/functionality to a notification by directly using UNNotificationCategory instead of using our API would cause a crash
• Fixes a thread synchronization issue that would have deadlocked the main thread in very rare situations on initialization (#409)
• Fixes an issue where improperly formatted button JSON (from the create notification API) would cause the SDK to insert nil objects into an NSDictionary instance, causing an EXC_BAD_ACCESS (#402)
• Adds an additional dynamic framework/cocoapod for developers who previously encountered 'transitive dependency' errors using our SDK indirectly as a dependency of another cocoapod in Swift projects (#412)
#403 Fixes a bug that only effected wrapper SDK's, such Cordova and React-Native, where calling setLocationShared(false) could still result in location data being sent to OneSignal if the app had location permission in iOS (Cordova SDK issue #406)
#397 Fixes a bug that caused devices to never register with OneSignal if APNS did not respond with a token or failure.


07 Aug 23:58
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react-native-onesignal Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Fixes an issue where the onOpened and onReceived events could stop working in Android once the app was in the background/terminated (#583)

Android 3.10.1 Improvements and Fixes

  • Fixes a thread synchronization bug that in some situations could cause the main thread to lock up while waiting for a network request to finish. #587
  • Updated fix for error with startWakefulService on Oreo when sending high priority with remote urls.
  • Fixed NPE with flushBufferToDisk #513
  • Fixed idsAvailable not being called a 2nd time when registrationId was null. PR #563

iOS 2.8.6 Improvements and Fixes

• Fixes an issue (#391) that would have caused rare crashes (EXC_BAD_ACCESS) in our API client because it attempted to execute a completion block without ensuring it was non-nil, which it could be in rare circumstances.
• Fixes an issue that would occasionally cause the SDK to be unable to automatically retrieve the App Group name, which was used to enable communication between the Service Extension and the main app. The main side effect of this issue would have been inconsistent badge logic, where the SDK would not maintain a logically consistent badge count.
• Fixes other minor problems, such as a potential (but never reported) crash in setEmail(), also fixed an issue where the method that downloads attachments such as images wasn't using a double pointer to set errors that may occur during the download (common pattern in ObjC).


22 Jun 18:25
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React-Native-Onesignal Bug Fixes & Improvements

Fixes multiple issues that would have caused the SDK to be unable to initialize, especially when using react-native-navigation

• This was primarily caused by how Activity objects are initialized with react-native-navigation. The OneSignal SDK was receiving a null activity.
- Updated the SDK to fallback to initialize using a context instead.
- This resolves #516 and #547, and likely caused further difficult to debug issues where devices would not get registered in OneSignal and crashes.

• Fixed an issue that, in very rare situations when getTags is called rapidly multiple times, would have caused the SDK to crash since React Native only allows a callback to be called once

• Updates android API level to 26


21 May 22:12
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react-native-onesignal Improvements and Bug Fixes

• Fixes an issue (#512) that caused the opened event to stop working if the app uses native Objective-C RCTOneSignal initialization (which gets fired when a notification is tapped).
• Fixes a JSON parsing issue (#519) that caused Android to be unable to post notifications
• Adds OneSignal.h from the native iOS SDK to Copy Headers, which should resolve issues where the RCTOneSignal library cannot find OneSignal.h (this has not been reported as an issue thus far however).
• Updates the Native SDK's to the most recent versions (iOS = 2.8.5 and Android = 3.9.1).

Android 3.9.1 Improvements and Fixes

• Fixed issue with latest Proguard causing FCM and Android Support library report as not found (Issue #533)
• FCM init error when the Firebase Auth library was added to the project. PR #530
• Fixed GoogleAPIClient not connected yet errors. Issue #509
• Android 7.0 Bad Notification: Couldn't expand RemoteViews for: StatusBarNotification (Restore on app update disabled to fix issue #263 )
• NPE on flushBufferToDisk. Issue #513

iOS 2.8.5 Improvements and Fixes

• Fixes a rare concurrency issue with the SDK's HTTP client.
• This issue would have caused exceptions when GDPR consent was revoked, or in some wrapper SDK's, early in the app lifecycle before the app ID was provided.


17 May 00:53
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  • This release fixes an issue that caused OneSignal to be initialized incorrectly.
  • This caused several other issues (#509, #504, #503, #502).


14 May 18:41
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• To support react-native developers who want to use cocoapods, we've updated the pod spec to point at the latest iOS native SDK.


09 May 20:57
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• Fixes an iOS issue where the kOSSettingsKeyAutoPrompt setting was ignored, the SDK would always prompt the user for push notification permissions when the app first launched even if the developer set auto prompt to false.


08 May 02:25
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Expo Support

• Changes the SDK so that running in Expo will no longer cause the SDK to crash. The SDK now checks to make sure that the native event emitter exists before attempting to use it.
• This means OneSignal will not crash in Expo - however - since Expo's dev app cannot load native code, any calls to OneSignal's SDK will simply be ignored until the project is detached from Expo.

GDPR Support

• Adds new methods for Android and iOS that allow developers to require user consent before the SDK is fully initialized.
• Developers can call OneSignal. setRequiresUserPrivacyConsent(true) to require a user's consent before the SDK collects any information.
• Until this point, any calls to the SDK are ignored. Once OneSignal.provideUserConsent(true) is called, the SDK will fully initialize. By default, this behavior is turned off.

JS Initialization

• The SDK can now be used completely by JavaScript, without having to touch any Objective-C or gradle files.
• Developers can call OneSignal.init(appId) to initialize the SDK in JavaScript.
• The older native initialization methods are still present but deprecated.
• Simplifies the setup process, removes the need to modify Xcode build settings for copying header files.

Bug Fixes

• Fixes an issue that would have caused occasional crashes when calling postNotification(), getPermissionSubscriptionState(), and when various errors were returned. This issue was caused by unsafe JSON serialization.

Native Updates

Android SDK - 3.9.0
  • Now supports FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) library
    • This upgrade is automatic as long as you followed the OneSignal standard setup guide.
    • After April 11, 2019 Google will drop the GCM from new versions their Play Services library
    • GCM (Google Cloud Messaging) is still supported in the OneSignal SDK until then
    • Issue #507
  • Fixed NPE on UserState.dependValues. Issue #503
iOS SDK - 2.8.3

• The SDK will now work with media attachment URL's that don't end in file extension (ie. .jpg). If a URL is missing a file extension, it will instead use the MIME type of the asset.
• Resolves an incompatibility issue with the HelpShift iOS SDK
• Fixes an issue that caused incorrect "notification opened" events to be sent to OneSignal's backend server


30 Mar 23:50
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• Added compileSdkVersion, minSdkVersion and buildToolsVersion ext override settings to future proof
• Locked the OneSignal native Java library to an exact version
• Misc clean and comments to the build.gradle
• Fixes #442