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Nic Limper edited this page Jan 18, 2024 · 8 revisions

The led of NRF based tags can be controlled by sending a command with the id 3 to the tag.

The led is controlled by the extended command data(12 Bytes)

The first Byte is split into two parts:

the first 4 bits will describe the mode of the led control. The interpretation of the following bytes changes per mode.

the second 4 bits are the duration of the led flashes in millisecond where 0 is mapped to half a ms and 15 is mapped to no off time. 15 WILL RUIN YOUR BATTERY LIFE. Everything higher than 3ms has a diminishing effect to visibility and 2ms is recommended as the bes compromise between power consumption and visibility.

You can send this pattern as a http GET to /led_flash?mac=000000000000&pattern=000000000000000000000000 To stop a running pattern, send an empty pattern: /led_flash?mac=000000000000

MODE 0 advanced sequence control



0----------------------- mode: 0

-2---------------------- flash duration (ms; see above)

--20-------------------- group 1: color in rgb 332 (rrrgggbb)

----5------------------- group 1: amount of flashes

-----3------------------ group 1: flash speed (x10 ms)

------0A---------------- group 1: delay after this flash group (seconds)

--------20-------------- group 2: color in rgb 332 (rrrgggbb)

----------5------------- group 2: amount of flashes

-----------3------------ group 2: flash speed (x10 ms)

------------0A---------- group 2: delay after this flash group (seconds)

--------------20-------- group 3: color in rgb 332 (rrrgggbb)

----------------5------- group 3: amount of flashes

-----------------3------ group 3: flash speed (x10 ms)

------------------0A---- group 3: delay after this flash group (seconds)

--------------------0A-- repeats: how often to repeat sequence of group 1..3

----------------------00 spare, always 00

MODE 1 - 15 are reserved for future use and are used for off at the moment

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