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SFTP File Service

NoteFox edited this page Jul 10, 2020 · 1 revision

The SFTP File server is used to provide the Android App a Way to download map files and gives the Controller access to the Service. The Service is not used for the Download over the official OHDM-Website.

Used Dependencies:

  • Apache MINA (SFTP for the Distribution of said map-files)


Name Type Standard Value Description Authors Note
sshServer SshServer null since sftp is based on ssh , we're using an base ssh server
port int null (defined in Constructor) the port, that will be used to access
standardUser SftpUser null (defined in Constructor) standard user for the access from the app (name and password defined in the init file)
controller SftpUser null (defined in Constructor) controller access for the controller (name and password constant)
sharePath String null (defined in Constructor) path for the app access
msgPath String null (defined in Constructor) path for the controller msg
isRunning boolean false shows, if the SFTP Server Thread is running
keySaveFilePath String (static) null (defined in Constructor) the path for the saveFile for the keyFile ( for more information, look up on how sftp works)
sftpCommandFactory List<NamedFactory> null (defined in set-up) command factory for the sftp server
userAuthFactories List<NamedFactory> null (defined in set-up) User Authentication Factory for the ssh server
vfsf VirtualFileSystemFactory null (defined in set-up) VirtualFileSystemFactory for the current access
namedFactoryList List<NamedFactory> null (defined in set-up) namedFactoryList for the sshServer
TAG String (static, final) "SFTP-Service" Tag for the Logger


Parameter List Type used for... Authors Note
port int port
strUsername String standardUser
stdPasswd String standardUser
keySaveFilePath String keySaveFilePath
sharePath String sharePath
msgPath String msgPath
public SftpService(int port, String stdUsername, String stdPasswd, String keySaveFilePath, String sharePath, String msgPath) {
    SftpService.keySaveFilePath = keySaveFilePath;
    this.port = port;
    this.sharePath = sharePath;
    this.msgPath = msgPath;

    // setting up the standard user, these are the credentials used by the Android app
    standardUser = new SftpUser(stdUsername, stdPasswd);
    controller = new SftpUser("controller", "eqpS23PTagZgHmJcFQMBLgJv");


The "run" Method

    public synchronized void run() {
        try {
            // setup for the sftp Server
        } catch (IOException e) {
        // setting the status to "running" 
        isRunning = true;
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            Logger.instance.addLogEntry(LogType.INFO, TAG, "SftpService was interrupted adn needs to be restarted");

Public Methods

Interface Methods :

Name Parameter list return Value Description Authors Note
stopThread empty void method to stop the Service

Getter and Setter

no getter/setter

Private Methods

Name Parameter List return Value Description Authors Note
setup empty void Setup method for the ssh -> sftp server