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The Request Manager

NoteFox edited this page Jul 10, 2020 · 1 revision

The Request Manager handles the Request put into it's System. The Manager itself is a Thread.

Variables :

Name Type Standard Value Description Authors Note
BUFFER_LIST ArrayList new (existent in Constructor) List, where an Request goes to first when it's added
WORKER_LIST ArrayList new List, where an Request goes to when it's processing
DONE_LIST ArrayList new List, where the Request goes to, when it's done
ERROR_LIST ArrayList new List, where the Request goes to, when an Exception was thrown during the "Downloading" or "Converting" Phase
maxInWorkerList int 5 (existent in Constructor) the max of Request, that are allowed being active at the same time
running boolean false shows, if the Request Manager Thread is running
active boolean false shows, if at least on Request is in the Worker List
full boolean false shows, if the Worker list is full at the moment (max number of Requests working reached)
TAG String (static, final) "WebService-Thread" Tag for the Logger more on that in Logger
stop boolean false if stop == true -> the Thread is about to stop or is already stopped If the boolean is stop but the Thread is still running longer than a couple of seconds, then one of the Requests that is in the WORKER_LIST couldn't be stopped. In that case, just restart.


Constructor 1 :

Parameter List Type used for... Authors Note
maxInWorkerList int defines maxInWorkerList

Constructor 2:

Parameter List Type used for... Authors Note
empty empty empty empty

Constructor Code :

public RequestManager(ArrayList<QueryRequest> BUFFER_LIST, int maxInWorkerList) {
    this.maxInWorkerList = maxInWorkerList;

The "run" Method

// This Thread doesn't really do much, except going through all the Lists and Update their Positions in the Lists
public synchronized void run() {
    // sets Token "running" to true for debug purposes
    // if it is ever "false", this means, that the Service has to be restarted
    // for now, that means that the whole System needs to be restarted, but we'll add an "while running 	reload"
    // Function later
    running = true;
    active = true;
    full = false;

    try {
        while (true) {
            // runs through the WORKER_LIST and takes all "non-active" Status
            // (so that means either "Error" or "Done"),
            // and puts them into their specified Lists
            // (so either ERROR_LIST or DONE_LIST)

            // fills empty slots in the WORKER_LIST by adding new Requests from the BUFFER_LIST

            // if the BUFFER_LIST is empty, then the service will turn inactive and wait for a "wake-up"
            // in our case here, it's an interrupt, which will be given in the "add" Method if the 					Service is inactive or if the stopThread method was called.
            if (BUFFER_LIST.isEmpty()) {
                try {
                    active = false;
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                    if (stop) {
                        Logger.instance.addLogEntry(INFO, TAG, "Service ended");
                    active = true;
           	// if the WORKER_LISTs Size is equal to the max of Workers being allowed to be processed 				at once, then the boolean full will be set, so no new Requests can be added to the 						WORKER_LIST. After that  it will wait for an intterput to happen, which can be called on 2 				different occasions :
			/* Occasion 1 = An Request is done, so it calles an interrput, so the WORKER, ERROR and DONE 			 lists can be updated.*/
            /* Occasion 2 = The Request Manager is asked to shutdown, by the stopThread Method. In this 			case, the booleans will be set to default and the run() Method calls a return */
            } else if (WORKER_LIST.size() == maxInWorkerList)
                try {
                    full = true;
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                    if (stop) {
                        Logger.instance.addLogEntry(INFO, TAG, "Service ended");
                        running = false;
                        active = false;
                        full = false;
                    full = false;
        // if an Exception was trown, which wasn't handled before, it will be cauch here
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Logger.instance.addLogEntry(LogType.ERROR, TAG,"Service Failed due to Exception thrown " + e.getMessage());
        running = false;

Public Methods

Interface Methods :

Name Parameter List return Value Description Authors Note
add request (Query Request) void adds new Request Please do not add already running Requests. It can happen that it will be ran twice. Not really the Point of the System, is it?
stopThread empty void will stop the currently running Thread If the Method is called, but the Thread is still running longer than a couple of seconds, then one of the Requests that is in the Worker List couldn't be stopped. In that case, just restart.
resetBuffer empty Debug Message, used for Logger and Controller (String) empties the BUFFER_LIST
resetDone empty Debug Message, used for Logger and Controller (String) empties the DONE_LIST
resetError empty Debug Message, used for Logger and Controller (String) empties the ERROR_LIST
stopRunningThread i (int) Debug Message for Logger and Controller (String) stops a specific Request in the WORKER_LIST Parameter i : index of specific Request

Getter and Setter

Name Parameter List return Value Description Authors Note
getBUFFER_LIST empty ArrayList gives back current BUFFER_LIST
getWORKER_LIST empty ArrayList gives back current WORKER_LIST
getDONE_LIST empty ArrayList gives back current DONE_LIST
getERROR_LIST empty ArrayList gives back current ERROR_LIST
getAllRequests empty QueryRequest[] gives back all Requests currently in the System
isActive empty boolean is Active?
isRunning empty boolean is Running?

Private Methods

Name Parameter List return Value Description Authors Note
cleanWorkerList empty void runs through the WORKER_LIST and takes all "non-active" Status (so that means either "Error" or "Done"), and puts them into their specified Lists (so either ERROR_LIST or DONE_LIST)
setObjectsToActive empty void fills empty slots in the WORKER_LIST by adding new Requests from the BUFFER_LIST, and starts them