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init.txt configuration

NoteFx edited this page May 10, 2021 · 23 revisions

How to use the init.txt

(Info : You will need the config file!!)

The init.txt is quite easy to understand. It's a Configuration File for the Service, which will be read when the service starts.

On the first Line, we add [init], so the Service actually knows it's a init File

Then we can declare the values for the specific Variables variablename = value

the ground rule for the whole init-System is: "ONE LINE ONE VALUE" !
everything after the first value will be ignored

implemented for now (12.06.2020) :

  • logDefaultDir - the Path where the logs are saved (default : log/)

  • mapsDefaultDir - the Path where the maps will be saved (default : maps/)

  • sftpDefaultDir - the Path where the ftp poperties will be saved (default : sftp/)

  • msgPath - the Path where the temporary Controller Comunication Files will be saved (default : msgs/)

  • idSavePath - the Path where the ID Save File well be located/ hwere the IDs will be saved(default : ids/)

  • webPort - port where the web Service will be opened (default : 5001)

  • sftpPort - port where the ftp Service will be opened (default : 5002)

  • standardUserName - username for the ftp access (no default)

  • standardUserPassword - password for the ftp access (no default)

  • logTerminalOutput - if the Logger should output to the Standard-Output as well as saving it in Files (default : false)

  • maxLogFileSize - defines the max Log File Size in kb (default : 512)

  • renderingParameterFilePath - defines the Path, where the rendering parameters are saved (default : db_rendering.txt )

  • ohdmConverterFilePath - defines the Path, where the OHDMConverter.jar is located and named (default : OHDMConverter.jar)

  • jdbcDriverFilePath - defines the Path, where the Java Database Converter Driver is locaed and named ( default : postgresql-42.1.1.jar) get the File here

  • javaJdkPath - defines the Path, where the jdk java file is located and named (PATH-shortcuts, like just using "java", works too)

WARNING : standardUserName and standardUserPassword are necessary for the Service to work properly!

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