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Projectile by OrangoMango


Warning ⚠️

This game is no longer supported, I made an improved version of it, called Retoohs ( I improved the graphics, the gameplay and added a reverse feature where you play as the zombies. Any other missing feature will be added in the next update. Retoohs (reversed name of shooter) is available for Linux, Windows, Mac and Browser. Play that game instead :)

How to run

  • Download the repository using these commands:
cd Projectile-main
  • Download JavaFX SDK for your OS here (v17+). Be sure to give as argument the lib folder

Using Java Runtime Environment

Exceute the .jar file with this command:

java --module-path /path/to/javafx/lib --add-modules javafx.controls, -jar game.jar

Compiling the code

Execute the file:

./ /path/to/javafx/lib

Using an executable

How to play

What to do

  • There are 4 difficulties: easy, medium, hard, extreme.
  • You get score according to these criteria:
    What to do Score amount
    Kill enemy +10 Score
    Get yellow points +50 score
    Kill the boss +100 Score
    Miss a bonus point -150 Score
  • Use grenades when there are many enemies near each others
  • You can kill enemies once they spawned completely and you can go outside the screen to get back from the other side.
  • There are 3 types of enemies: Enemy1 (at 0 score), Enemy2 (at 500 score with 10% chance), Enemy3 (at 1000 score with 7% chance)
  • Survive as much time as possible and earn score


  • W A S D to move
    • Short press mode: Press once a key and you will travel in that direction until you press another key
    • Long press mode: Normal mode. Long press to move
  • P to pause/resume
  • Q to recharge your hp
  • Left-Click to shoot
  • Right-Click to shoot grenades





  • First boss: 1700 score, then every 1500
  • Player can recover hp by killing Enemy2 or Enemy3,(15 + enemy damage)% chance
Key Value
Player hp 100
Bullet damage 10
Explosion damage 20
Player speed (input mode: 1) 4
Player speed (input mode: 2) 6
Player speed when shooting 1/2
Bullet speed 10


Key Value
Enemy damage 10
Enemy2 damage 15
Enemy3 damage 20
Enemy hp 10
Enemy hp (score > 1500) 20
Enemy2 hp 40
Enemy2 hp (score > 1000) 50
Enemy2 hp (score > 1500) 60
Enemy3 hp 60
Enemy3 hp (score > 1500) 70
Spawn cooldown 1-2s
Boss damage to player cooldown 0.5s
Enemy damage to player cooldown 0.5s
Bonus point timer 40s
Recharge hp cooldown 25s
Boss hp 450
Boss damage 15
Max enemies in field 8
Enemy speed 3


Key Value
Enemy damage 15
Enemy2 damage 20
Enemy3 damage 25
Enemy hp 10
Enemy hp (score > 1500) 20
Enemy2 hp 50
Enemy2 hp (score > 1000) 60
Enemy2 hp (score > 1500) 70
Enemy3 hp 70
Enemy3 hp (score > 1500) 80
Spawn cooldown 0.9-1.9s
Boss damage to player cooldown 0.4s
Enemy damage to player cooldown 0.4s
Bonus point timer 36s
Recharge hp cooldown 30s
Boss hp 550
Boss damage 22
Max enemies in field 7
Enemy speed 3.1


Key Value
Enemy damage 20
Enemy2 damage 25
Enemy3 damage 30
Enemy hp 20
Enemy hp (score > 1500) 30
Enemy2 hp 60
Enemy2 hp (score > 1000) 70
Enemy2 hp (score > 1500) 80
Enemy3 hp 80
Enemy3 hp (score > 1500) 90
Spawn cooldown 0.85-1.85s
Boss damage to player cooldown 0.3s
Enemy damage to player cooldown 0.3s
Bonus point timer 34s
Recharge hp cooldown 35s
Boss hp 700
Boss damage 30
Max enemies in field 6
Enemy speed 3.2


Key Value
Enemy damage 30
Enemy2 damage 35
Enemy3 damage 40
Enemy hp 30
Enemy hp (score > 1500) 40
Enemy2 hp 70
Enemy2 hp (score > 1000) 80
Enemy2 hp (score > 1500) 90
Enemy3 hp 90
Enemy3 hp (score > 1500) 100
Spawn cooldown 0.75-1.75s
Boss damage to player cooldown 0.3s
Enemy damage to player cooldown 0.25s
Bonus point timer 30s
Recharge hp cooldown 40s
Boss hp 850
Boss damage 45
Max enemies in field 5
Enemy speed 3.3