This program simulates a basic keycard system where users can manage a list of keycards, grant or revoke access, and save/load keycard data to/from a text file.
Add New Keycards: Users can add new keycards to the system, specifying unique card IDs and access permissions.
Revoke Access: The program allows users to revoke access for specific keycards. This feature is crucial for maintaining security and controlling entry permissions.
View Keycard List: Users can view the list of keycards in the system. This provides an overview of all registered keycards and their current access status.
Save and Load Keycard Data: The system supports saving keycard data to a file (
) and loading data from the same file. This ensures persistent storage of keycard information between program sessions. -
Simulate Remote Door Operations: The program includes a simulation of remote door operations. Users can initiate door actions such as opening or locking, providing a visual representation through simulated green and red lights.
Scan Keycards: Users can scan a keycard, check its access permissions, and simulate corresponding door actions based on the card's status (access granted or denied).
- Make sure you have a C compiler installed.
- Compile the program using your preferred compiler. Example:
gcc main.c -o keycard_system
Run the Program:
- Execute the compiled program:
- Execute the compiled program:
- Follow the on-screen instructions to navigate through the keycard system.
- Use the admin menu to manage keycards.
: Main program file.adminmenu.c
: Admin menu functions.card.h
: Keycard-related struct.cardlist.h
: Struct for managing the list of keycards.fileio.c
: File I/O functions for saving and loading keycard data.listcard.c
: Functions for listing and printing card information.cardaccess.c
: Functions responsible for handling card access and modifying access permissions.remotedoor.c
: File simulating remote door operations, with a red-green light simulation.scancard.c
: Functions responsible for scanning a card, checking access permissions, and simulating door actions.safeinput.c
: Functions for handling user inputs throughout the program.
- Card ID: 1212, Access Granted: Yes
- Card ID: 1213, Access Granted: No
: Text file to save/load keycard data. Is created upon program start, if it has not yet been created.