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Cade edited this page Oct 3, 2022 · 6 revisions

Magnetic Card Reader

Reads Magnetic Cards when right clicked.


-- Sets the event name returned when you click it with a card, default is magData
setEventName(string eventName) 

-- Enables/disables automatic lights on the magreader. If true, it will function as it normally does when clicked with a card. If false, you have to call setLightState to change the lights on the magreader. default is true.
swipeIndicator(boolean enableLights)

-- Sets the light state of the magreader. Takes in a number from 0 to 7. default is 0
setLightState(number lightState)

This block queues signals when it is clicked with a Magnetic Cards.

The event parameters are

eventName    -- defaults to magData, can be changed
address      -- address of the magnetic card reader
playerName   -- name of the player that used the card
cardData     -- data stored on the card
cardUniqueId -- unique card id
isCardLocked -- writelock state of card
side         -- block side of card reader which the player used the card on

example script

event = require("event")

function myFunction(eventName, address, playerName, cardData, cardUniqueId, isCardLocked, side)
   print("player " .. playerName .. " used card " .. cardUniqueId .. ", data: " .. cardData)

-- subscribe to the event "magData" with myFunction()
event.listen("magData", myFunction)

-- wait for an interrupt before closing the script (CTRL + C)

-- unsubscribe from the event bus
event.ignore("magData", myFunction)