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NanoFog is a shield system that can be setup from OpenComputers and configured to your desires

NanoFog Terminal

NanoFog Terminal

The Terminal holds the Fuel and is the Component used to configure the shield, also its the power source and origin for the NanoFog


  • 1x Wireless Network Card (Tier2)
  • 1x Control Unit (CU)
  • 2x Microchip (Tier2)
  • 2x Transistor
  • 3x Capacitor

NanoFog Terminal GUI

The GUI shows Material Input/Output and energy usage

Animation and Resolution for NanoFog can be disabled in the mod configuration.


nanofog_terminal = require("component").os_nanofog_terminal
set(int:x, int:y, int:z, String:blockName, int:blockMetaindex):boolean 
-- sets a fog block in the world
-- metaindex is optional (defaults to 0)

blockName has to be a minecraft item name like "glass", "sand" for blocks from other mods with the same name use full name syntax, e.g. "opencomputers:chameliumblock"

setArea(int:x1, int:y1, int:z1, int:x2, int:y2, int:z2, String:blockName, int:blockMetaindex):boolean
-- sets fog in the defined area, usage like `set` method
reset(int:x, int:y, int:z):boolean 
-- removes a fog block from the world

NanoDNA is put back to the NanoFog Terminal Inventory when enough energy and inventory space are available, otherwise they will drop into the world (with full inventory and enough energy the fog will still return but drop at the terminal location)

-- removes all fog blocks assigned to this terminal from the world

fog block config

setShield(int:x, int:y, int:z):boolean 
-- sets a block to shield mode (walkthrough possible for anyone)
setSolid(int:x, int:y, int:z):boolean
-- sets a block to solid mode 
-- walkthroug only possible for entities on the pass filter
setKnockback(int:x, int:y, int:z, int:power):boolean 
-- sets the power for knockback of entities that aren't allowed to pass the fog
-- valid values for power [0, 1, 2]
setDamage(int:x, int:y, int:z, int:power):boolean 
-- sets the amount of damage dealt to entities on the damage filter
-- valid values for damage [0 - 5]
-- returns the current material input (the output is not reported)
get(int:x, int:y, int:z):string 
-- tells you if a block is air/nanofog or anything else

filter methods

setFilter(int:x, int:y, int:z, String:type/class, boolean:allowPass, boolean:damageEntity, String:name):boolean
-- sets/removes a filter for the specified entity type/class
-- all entities of the defined type will be filtered when no name argument is specified.
-- types: player, hostile, animal, item, all
getFilterPass(int:x, int:y, int:z):array
-- returns the pass filter list for the defined block
getFilterDamage(int:x, int:y, int:z):array
-- returns the damage filter list for the defined block
-- returns a list of entity class names that can be used in the filter