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MrDiamondDog edited this page Jun 26, 2022 · 5 revisions

Rolldoor Controller

YouTube Video which shows how to setup a rolldoor


  • 3x Nether Quartz
  • 2x Microchip Tier2
  • 2x Transistor
  • 1x Control Unit (CU)
  • 1x Cable

Is used to control Rolldoor


The rolldoor controller can be camouflaged by right clicking it with a valid solid block The color of the rolldoor can be changed by right clicking the controller with any dye


passwords argument is only required if a password was set

getHeight():integer -- returns the height/end position of the door
getPosition():double -- returns the current position of the door
close([String:password]):boolean -- moves the door to end position
open([String:password]):boolean -- moves the door to position 0
toggle([String:password]):boolean -- toggles the door (closes if its at position 0, opens otherwise)
isMoving():boolean -- guess it
setPosition(double:targetPosition[, String:password]):double -- moves the door to the provided position [range: 0 - height]
setSpeed(double:moveSpeed[, String:password]):double -- sets the move speed of the rolldoor, returns the new speed value [range: 0.1 - 3]
setPassword(String:newPassword[, String:oldPassword]):boolean -- sets/resets the rolldoor password