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FAQ Hardware Connection

Rob van Rheenen edited this page Aug 9, 2018 · 8 revisions

Included with your Nextion screen you find the connection cable for the screen. It's a 4-wire cable with a Red (5-8v), Blue (TX), Yellow (RX) and Black (GND)lead.

WARNING: If you connect 5V to RX, TX or GND, your screen is total-loss

  • Connect the TX (Yellow) lead to the RX on your device (Raspberry, USBtoTTL adapter or Modem board)
  • Connect the RX (Blue) lead to the TX on your device
  • Connect the GND (Black) lead to the GND of your device
  • Connect the 5V (Red) lead to the 5V of your device (minimal voltage should be 5V for a proper working)

USB-to-TTL adapter

You can use a USB-to-TTL adapter (they are cheap: 1 to 2 US$) to connect the Nextion device to your Raspberry or Computer. Be sure its supporting UART / CH340(G) for a proper working.


Your Nextion device needs 5V-8V. Less voltage could damage your device in the long run

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