This repository contains some of the most commonly used data-structures and algorithms implemented in the Java programming language.
The types are generic meaning they can work with multiple data-types as long as they have the necessary characteristics, like being comparable.
The sources
file stored in the root directory of the project, contains a list of all compilation-units.
You can generate this file yourself in UNIX by using the following command (assuming you are in the root directory of the project):
find ./algorithms ./dataStructures -type f -iname "*.java" >sources
After that, you can compile the program as follows:
javac @sources -d ./bin
This makes the compilation process easier by not explicitly stating all file paths.
This repository already includes the entire project's pre-compiled classes on a JAR archive file named structures_and_algorithms.jar
If you want to create this file yourself, you can go to the directory you compiled the program and execute this command:
jar -cf foo.jar ./algorithms ./dataStructures
Then ensure all .class files are included:
jar -tf foo.jar
You need to add the path to the JAR file in the CLASSPATH environment variable (the place where java searches for classfiles).
Below is a simple solution to this:
- Compilation:
javac -cp ".:path_to_jar/structures_and_algorithms.jar"
- Execution:
java -cp ".:path_to_jar/structures_and_algorithms.jar" Main
- Compilation:
- Compilation:
javac -cp ".;path_to_jar/structures_and_algorithms.jar"
- Execution:
java -cp ".;path_to_jar/structures_and_algorithms.jar" Main
- Compilation: