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Credentials loading

Michał Gumiela edited this page Oct 17, 2018 · 15 revisions

Credentials are loaded by the PW-Sat2 Ground Station Application as a json file and allow you to upload received frames to cloud-based service.

Obtaining and loading credentials

Obtaining credentials

To obtain credentials go to our cloud service - but first you have to create an account (sign up) and then (sign in) to access the page. Download json file with your credentials.

Run the application and load credentials

When credentials are not loaded main window of the application looks similarly as in the picture below: image

Push button "Load credentials from file" or "Load credentials file" - a new window should pop up - choose downloaded json file with credentials:


Once credentials are loaded properly and authentication on server is successful the icon and your e-mail are visible in the application:


If credentials are wrong or obsolete the application shows problem with authentication: image
It's also the case when server is down or your internet connection doesn't work.

Important information on re-generating credentials

Each time you re-generate (download) credentials from webpage you have to load them again in application - just push "Load credentials from file" and select new file. Credentials are loaded into application immediately - no restart is needed.

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