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temmihoo edited this page Oct 4, 2012 · 1 revision

A short list of all kinds of wishes regarding the great Pahka

For the project in general:

1.1 reasonably fault-tolerant

  • galvanic isolation will limit small electrical troubles to area governed with one Pahka node
  • back-up battery will provide tolerance for power loss for a time
  • single points of failure are numerous, this is not a HA solution
  • failure at one node should not propagate
    • non-managed switches cannot shut down possible flooding from a faulty node, this is considered an accepted risk.
  • all nodes should have a reasonable safe modus operandi in case of connectivity issues
    • door locks open or close based on what the door is for
    • what should the alarm actuators do?

1.2 centrally configured

  • a node reads its configuration from the control node at boot time

1.3 reconfigurable

1.4 centrally controlled ?? or just centrally managed?

  • nodes only communicate with the controller node

1.5 able to map any input to any action

1.6 acts as an extra input for a home protection system?

  • connection faults can possibly indicate break ins (or not)

For the controller node


For the remote node

3.1 inputwise:

  • logic level digital in (at what voltages?)
  • current loop 4-20mA for interfacing with factory transducers etc
  • 0-10V voltage input
  • DMX512 (wishful...)
  • 230VAC digital input (needs galvanic isolation)
  • PWM input
  • servo pulse input

3.2 outputwise:

  • logic level digital out
  • 4-20mA current loop
  • 0-10V voltage output
  • DMX512
  • one or three phase triac on/off control
  • PWM output
  • servo pulse output

For the gateway to other networks


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