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End-to-end Data Project (DA/DS/DE/MLOps) - retail/e-commerce Demand Forecasting

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End-to-end E-commerce Demand Forecasting

Patcharanat P.

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End-to-end Data project in the e-commerce and retail industries covering the full process of data exploitation, including Data Engineering skills, Data Science skills, and Data Analytic skills, and also how to implement them in the real world utilizing Business and Marketing knowledge.


It's crucial in nowadays to emphasize data existing and make the most use of it. The project was created to practice and demonstrate the full process of data exploitation covering setting up environments, ETL process, Web Scraping, Data Visualization, Machine Learning Model Development, Model Deployment using E-commerce data, and also extend to develop strategy and marketing campagin based on the data.


  1. Setting up Environment
  2. ETL (Extract, Transform, Load): Writing DAGs and Managing Cloud Services
  3. Web Scraping
  4. EDA and Data Visualization
  5. Machine Learning Model Development
  6. Model Deployment and Monitoring
  7. Conclusion

Project Overview

project-overview Note: this project will also include developing strategy and marketing campagin based on the data.


  • Sources
    • Postgres Database (Data warehouse)
    • REST API (raw file url)
    • API (with token)
  • Data Lake & Staging Area
    • Google Cloud Storage
    • AWS S3 (Extend to Azure Blob Storage in the future)
  • Data Warehouse
    • Postgres Database
    • Bigquery (External and Native Tables)
    • Redshift (Extend to Azure Synapse in the future)
  • Orchestrator
    • Airflow
  • Virtualization and Infrastucture management
    • Docker compose
    • Terraform
  • EDA & Visualization
    • PowerBI (Desktop and Service)
    • Python (Jupyter Notebook)
  • Machine Learning Model Development
    • Jupyter Notebook
  • Model Deployment and Monitoring
    • FastAPI (Model Deployment)
    • Streamlit (Monitoring)
    • Artifact Registry
    • Cloud Run
    • Github Actions (CI/CD)

Dataset: E-Commerce Data - Kaggle


  • Get a credentials file from kaggle and activate the token for API.
  • Have Google Account being able to use google cloud services.

The credentials are hidden in this project

1. Setting up Environment


Firstly, clone this repository to obtain all neccessary files, then use it as working directory.

git clone

We need to set up environment to demo ETL process, which including:

  • Postgres database
  • Airflow

All of the tools need to be run in different environment to simulate the real use-case. Hence, Docker compose become important for demo.

Note: if you want to reproduce the project by yourself, just create a folder for your working directory. And, the process you need to do will be remarked with DIY.

1.1 Setting up Overall Services (containers)

Open your docker desktop and execute bash command (in terminal) within your working directory (in clone file) by:

docker compose build

This command will build all containers we specified in docker-compose.yml file, especially in build and context parts which do follwing tasks:

  • Copying sql file (setup.sql) to docker-entrypoint-initdb.d to be executed when we initialize container.
  • Copying cleaned_data.csv file to the postgres container.
  • Creating schema and table with cleaned_data.csv by executing setup.sql file.
  • Replicating postgres container to simulate another database for data warehouse with empty table using postgres-target.Dockerfile, and target.sql file.
  • Installing requirements.txt for airflow's container to be able to use libraries we needed in DAGs.
  • Add a Kaggle credentials file: kaggle.json (in this case we use Kaggle API) to make API usable.

Note1: you may fail to run docker compose build since, you may not have google cloud credentials as a json file in your local. You can skip to Step 2.1: Setting up Data Lake, and Data Warehouse in Service account part to get your own google crendentials json file and put it in your own created credentials folder in the current working directory and try running docker compose build again.

Note2: Don't forget to get Kaggle.json credentials, and add to credentials folder also.

DIY: Setting up Overall Services (containers)

First, you need to simulate postgres database by creating a container with postgres image. you will need to copy cleaned_data.csv file into the postgres container. Then, you need to create a database and a schema, and a table with setup.sql file, and also configure .env file, like username, password, and database. The file that will do the copying file task is postgres.Dockerfile

(Update) we add more postgres container to simulate another database for data warehouse. The files that are relevant to this task are postgres-target.Dockerfile to build image for the container and target.sql to setup empty table. In this database, we will use different database name and different schema for testing how to handle with multiple databases.

Then, you need to create a container with airflow image. You will need to copy kaggle.json file into the container (webserver, and scheduler). Then, you need to install libraries we needed in DAGs by "pip install"requirements.txt file within the containers. The file that will do the task is airflow.Dockerfile

Then, you need to create a container with airflow image. You will need to copy kaggle.json file into the container (webserver, and scheduler). Then, you need to install libraries we needed in DAGs by "pip install"requirements.txt file within the containers. The file that will do the task is airflow.Dockerfile

To easily run multiple docker containers or running microservices, you will need docker compose. The file that will do the task is docker-compose.yml, which will build all the images for containers we specified in build and context parts resulting in running different .Dockerfile for different containers.

In airflow official site, you will find docker-compose.yml template to run airflow you can use it as reference and change it to fit your needs, like add postgres section, and remove unnecessary part that can causes running out of memory making you unable to run docker containers successfully.

If you're new to container, you will be confused a little with using path. please be careful with paths where you mount the files to.

1.2 Intializing all Containers

Initialize docker container(s) and run process in background (Detach mode)

docker compose up -d

Note: some services need time to start, check container's logs from docker desktop to see if the services are ready to work with.

To check status of running containers:

docker ps

1.3 Checking if all Dockerfiles correctly executed

What to be checked are

  • Is the data table in postgres database as a source created correctly?
    • data loaded from cleaned_data.csv and using the right schema?
  • Is all the credentials file imported?
    • kaggle.json
    • gcs_credentials.json
    • ecomm-invoice-kde-aws-iam_accessKeys.csv
  • Is the data table in postgres database as a target created correctly?
    • empty table with the right schema?

Get into command-line or bash of container we specified.

docker exec -it <container-name-or-id> bash

Note: Get container's name or id from docker-compose.yml or from docker ps command.

At this step, we can check if csv file we meant to execute in Dockerfile is executed successfully by:

ls data/
ls docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/

you should see the data csv file and setup.sql file in the directory.

What you should check more is that credentials file: kaggle.json correctly imported in airflow's scheduler and webservice containers.

1.4 Checking Data in a Database

Access to both postgres containers, and then access database to check if csv file copied into table.

psql -U postgres -d mydatabase

Then we will be mounted into postgres' bash

Then we will check table, and schema we executed by setup.sql file

\dt or \d -- to see tables list
\dn or \z -- to see schemas list

if we see table and schema are corrected and shown, then importing csv to the Postgres database part is done.

if not, these can be issues

  • check if setup.sql is executed successfully, by inspecting logs in docker desktop
  • check if data csv file and setup.sql are copied into docker container's local by using container's bash and check if path in Dockerfile and setup.sql were set correctly.
  • we need to set search_path by
SET search_path TO <myschema>;

to set only in current session. (reccomended)

ALTER DATABASE <mydatabase> SET search_path TO <myschema>; 

to set permanently at database level.

In postgres bash, we will be able to see only the table that match the schema we created. Hence, we have to change the schema to see the table in the database.

Then exit from all bash


Note: In my lastest update adding another postgres databse to simulate data warehouse, I found that specifying image name in docker-compose.ymal file is crucial when we pulling the same image but using in different container, because it will build with the wrong Dockerfile and cause the some issues, like build postgres database target with postgres.Dockerfile instead of postgres-target.Dockerfile which is not what we want.

1.5 Exiting

Don't forget to remove all image and containers when you're done.

docker compose down -v

and remove all images via docker desktop, we will initiate docker compose build and docker compose up -d again, when we want to test ETL process (test our airflow DAGs).

1.6 Setting up Airflow Web UI

To set up airflow, we need to define more 4 services that refer to official's .yml file template including airflow-postgres to be backendDB, airflow-scheduler to make scheduler, airflow-webserver to make airflow accessible via web UI, and airflow-init to initiate airflow session.

Understanding how every components in services work make much more easier to comprehend and debug issues that occur, such as depends-on, environment, healthcheck, context, build, and storing object in &variable.

Note: In docker-compose.yml file, Identation is very important.

For this project, we create 2 postgres containers, so we need to check carefully if airflow connected to its own backendDB or the right database.

Issue debugged: for being unable to connect to airflow backendDB

Use this template from official's document in `.env` file:




# which results in


Note: In .env file, airflow core need FERNET key which can be obtained from (random generated)

2. ETL process: Writing DAGs and Managing Cloud Services

In my case (this project), I used a dataset from kaggle which was:

  • loaded to postgres database
  • uploaded to this repo github as csv format
  • and I wrote DAGs to use Kaggle API to obtain the dataset directly from the Kaggle website.

If you want to change data, you have to write your own DAGs what match your specific use-case.

2.1 Setting up Data Lake, and Data Warehouse

As we will use GCP (Google Cloud Platform) as our Data Lake and Data Warehouse, we need to make our airflow script, which run in docker containers in local, being able to connect to GCP by using google credentials as known as service account or IAM. I recommend to manually get the credential from GCP console for the safety aspect.

Service Account

Do the following:

  1. Go to your GCP console within your project (I assume you have free credit), and go to navigation menu (3-bar icon at top left), then go to IAM & Admin > Service Accounts > Create Service Account > Create your Service Account
  2. In Service accounts section, click 3 dots at your new created service account > Manage keys > Add key > Create new key > JSON > Create > Download JSON > Close, keep your credentials (this json file) in safe place.
  3. You need to specify the permission that you allow for that service account, like how much it can access to the resources. What you need to do is:
  • Going to IAM page in IAM & Admin section > Edit principal for your created service account > Add Roles
  • Add the following roles:
    • BigQuery Admin
    • BigQuery Data Editor
    • BigQuery Data Owner
    • BigQuery Job User
    • BigQuery User
    • Storage Admin
    • Storage Object Admin
    • Storage Object Creator
    • Storage Object Viewer
  • And then, save your changes.

Note: if you want to add your project to github, make sure you are working in private repo, or add it to .gitignore file

Until now, you've finished getting service account credentials.

Data Lake

The next step is creating your Google cloud storage bucket. Go to Cloud Storage > Create > Name your bucket (which globally unique)

Then, choose the options that match you specific needs, the recommend are:

  • Location type: Region
  • Storage Class: Standard
  • Activate Enforce public access prevention
  • Access control: Uniform
  • Protection tools: None

Click Create, and now you have your own data lake bucket.

Data Warehouse

The last step is creating your Bigquery dataset and table. In Bigquery (Google Data warehouse) you could have many projects, each project might have many datasets, and each dataset might have many tables. Understanding of this hierarchy, we can easily know what we should create for a data table.

Do the following to create your dataset and table:

  • Go to Bigquery > Click on 3-dot after your project name > Create dataset > Name your dataset (which globally unique) > Create dataset

(Recommend to choose location type that suit your region, and table expiration is up to you)

  • Click on 3-dot after your created dataset > Create table > Select your data source (In this case, select empty table) > name your table > define schema > Create table

Until now, you've finished creating your data warehouse that's ready to load our data in.

As you can see it's quite inconvenient that we have to create all of these resources manually via Google UI. So, we will use Terraform to create these resources in the next step.


We can achieve creating the bucket and the warehouse by "Terraform", which is a better way to create and manage cloud resources reducing error when reproduce the process and proper for production stage. you can see the code in terraform folder, consists of and Terraform make it easier to create and delete or managing the resources in this demonstration with a few bash commands.

The file, using some variables from file, will produce the following resources:

  • 1 data lake bucket
  • 1 Bigquery dataset
  • 1 Bigquery table

To use terraform, you need to install Terraform in your local machine (+add to PATH), and have your google credentials (service account credentials) as a json file within "credentials" directory in the same level of your working directory. Then, you can run terraform commands in your terminal in your terraform working directory.

terraform init

terraform plan

terraform apply

terraform destroy
  • terraform init initialize Terraform (where located) in your local machine (mount your working directory to terraform folder first).
  • terraform plan to see what resources will be created and syntax checking.
  • terraform apply to create the resources.
  • terraform destroy to delete the resources.

After all, you can see the result in your GCP console, in Google cloud storage, and Bigquery that it's already created bucket, dataset and an empty table.

Note: The written script made us easily create and delete the resources which proper for testing purpose not on production.

2.2 Setting up DAG and Connections

In this project, I wrote main script: to create 1 DAG of (8+1) tasks, which are:

  1. Reading data from raw url from github that I uploaded myself. Then, upload it to GCP bucket as uncleaned data.
  2. Fetching (Unloading) data from the postgres database that we simulate in docker containers as a data warehouse source. Then, upload it to GCP bucket as cleaned data.
  3. Downloading from the Kaggle website using Kaggle API. Then, upload it to GCP bucket (GCS) as uncleaned data.
  4. Data Transformation: reformat to parquet file, and cleaning data to be ready for data analyst and data scientist to use, then load to staging area.
  5. Loading to data warehouse (Bigquery) as cleaned data with a Native table way from staging area.
  6. Loading to data warehouse (Bigquery) as cleaned data with an External table way from staging area.
  7. Loading to another Postgres database as cleaned data.
  8. Clearing data in staging area (GCP bucket). (this will not be used since we will implement an external table that requires the source file to be exists)

Additionally, I also wrote and to demonstrate inheritance of DAGs and how to use different cloud services, respectively.

After we wrote the DAG script, we're gonna test our DAG by initating docker compose again, and go to localhost:8080 in web browser, get ready to trigger DAG and see if our DAG worked successfully.

But before triggering the DAG, we need to set up the connection between Airflow and our applications in Airflow web UI:

Postgres connection: Go to Admin > Connections > Create

  • Connection Type: Postgres
  • Host service name of postgres in docker-compose.yml
  • Schema schema name we used in setup.sql
  • Login username of postgres in docker-compose.yml
  • Password username of postgres in docker-compose.yml
  • Port username of postgres in docker-compose.yml

And then, Save

Note1: we used database name that we specified in docker-compose.yml in DAG script where we need to connect to the database, PostgresHook with conn_id as Postgres Host name, and schema as database name.

Note2: we can omit schema argument in PostgresHook and Airflow connection, if we use public schema, or specify SELECT myschema.table_name FROM ... in setup.sql

Bigquery connection: Go to Admin > Connections > Create

  • Connection Id: your own defined name (will be use in DAG)
  • Connection Type: Google Cloud
  • Project Id: Your Project Id
  • Keyfile Path: absolute path to your service account credentials file

And then, Save again.

Note: you have to change the code in to match your connection id that you created in Airflow UI, and your project id also.

For details of airflow connection configuring, we only create connections of Postgres and Bigquery for fetching data from containerized Postgres database, and creating external table for Bigquery respectively because it's required, unless airflow could not connect to the applications and cause the bug. Most of time, you can tell if it requires connection in Airflow UI by existing of conn_id arguments in the Operators. But, the other connection, Google Cloud Storage, is not required to be created in Airflow UI, because we use the credentials file that mounted into Airflow container to authenticate the connection in the code.

The issues I encountered during developed DAG

  • It was kinda lost when trying to write my own DAGs with my own concepts, like how to get, read, fetch, write the file, or how to connect and upload to the cloud. Reading directly from official documentation was a big help, such as Google Cloud Documentation, and Kaggle API Documentation.

  • Reading Logs after triggering DAG in airflow web UI was very helpful to debug the issues.

  • When we have google credentials as a json file, it make us less concerned about how to authenticate, like gcloud, gsutil etc. (or even connection in Airflow). We just need to mount the credentials into the airflow container, put the path of the json file in the code and use the right API or library provided by provider which mostly can be found as templates in official documentation.

  • The libraries are able to be used in the DAG script or not, depending on requirements.txt file. If you want to use a library, you have to install it in requirements.txt file, and rebuild the image (docker compose down -v, docker compose build, docker compose up -d) again.

    • At first, I encountered that pandas version and pyarrow are not compatible with python version of default latest airflow image, so I decide not to use pandas and pyarrow to transform data to parquet file, but use csv instead. But, after a while, I found out that I can pull an image with own desired python version, so I can use pandas to transform data, and change into parquet file format using this line:
      FROM apache/airflow:slim-2.6.2-python3.10

    in airflow.Dockerfile

  • I used gcsfs or GCSFileSystem in DAG script to run transformation task, because in case of transforming the data from data lake using pandas, it's required the library, which currently in beta, instead of using

    • And you have to install it in requirements.txt file, and also use the authentication via GCSFileSystem in the code instead of
  • In the DAG code, I used overwriting option for Native table in Bigquery. The append method is not covered in the project scope, but in production, append method is more preferred to preserve the old data.

    • External table always refer to the source file, so it's not possible to be appended, but manually append the data by itself with the code.
  • When I first load the parquet file to pre-defined schema in Bigquery, I encountered the error that the schema is not matched. I found out that the schema of parquet file is not the same as the schema in Bigquery with extra column "index level 0". So, the solution is to drop the column before saving to parquet file in Google Cloud Storage by using df.to_parquet(..., index=False), just like to_csv('filename.csv', index=False).

    (Even you download the index=True parquet file to check in pandas, it will not show the extra index column)

  • (Update) Meanwhile I was developing other part of the project, a new airflow version(2.7) was launched, and the new version of airflow image is not compatible with the old version by airflow backendDB which caused a serious bug making airflow-init initialized unsuccessfully, airflow-scheduler, and airflow-webserver not work as expected.

    • the solution is to remove all containers, images, and existing volumes of airflow backendDB, and then intialize again with the fix image version.
      • remove local volumes by
      docker compose down --volumes --rmi all
      docker system prune --all --volumes
      • remove local airflow backendDB postgres-db-volume, and also logs, plugins, and config files in src folder.
    • I changed the airflow image version to apache/airflow:2.6.2-python3.10 in airflow.Dockerfile and apache/airflow:2.6.2 in docker-compose.yml to the version of image.
    • Don't use the latest version in your script, if you want to make you work reproduceable.

The dependencies management will be changed to poetry in further development. Since, it's not worked until now and not the focus of this project

Bigquery: Native tables vs External tables

In the DAG script, we have 2 tasks to load data to Bigquery, one is using Native table, and another is using External table. the differences between them are their performance and how it works.

External tables are suitable when you want to query data without loading it into BigQuery, optimizing costs and leveraging existing data sources. Native tables, on the other hand, offer enhanced performance and advanced features within BigQuery, like partitioning and clustering.

What to note is: if you're using external table, you can't delete the source in data lake, because it require the source to query directly from. And you couldn't see the preview of data table in the Bigquery UI, with Extenal table approach.

2.3 Triggering DAG and Monitoring

After finishing the writing DAG part, we can go to localhost:8080 via web browser and login with username, and password we defined in docker-compose.yml file. Then, we can see the DAGs we created in the UI. We can trigger the DAG by clicking on the Trigger DAG button, and monitor the progress of the DAG by clicking on the DAG name.

You can also see the logs of each task by clicking on the task name in the DAG graph and see how the tasks flow is working via Graph.

Most of time, you don't write the DAGs in one time and test once it's done, you have come to this UI, triggering and monitoring to see if it works or not, and then fix the bugs. So, you have to trigger the DAGs many times, and see the logs to debug the code. It's very helpful to debug the code by reading the logs and checking which tasks are failed.

Once the ETL DAG worked successfully, the data engineering part is finished.

Step to Reproduce Virtualization for testing

  1. Apply Terraform to create the infrastructure
    terraform plan
    terraform apply
  2. Start microservices with docker-compose
    docker compose build
    docker compose up -d
  3. Trigger the DAG in Airflow UI
    • go to localhost:8080 via web browser
  4. Check the data in Data Lake and Data Warehouse
    • login to Cloud Console
    • (If you want to test model deployment, you can do it here)
  5. Stop microservices with docker-compose
    docker compose down -v
  6. Destroy the infrastructure with Terraform
    terraform destroy

2.4 Extend to AWS

In the previous part, I used GCP as a cloud service provider for data lake and data warehouse, but we can also use AWS (or Azure) as a cloud service provider. The process is quite similar to GCP, but it will have some differences in the code and architecture which we can adapt to it easily if we understand the concept of ETL.

We will use AWS S3 as a data lake, and AWS Redshift as a data warehouse. As before, we need to create IAM user (which equal to service account in GCP) and get the credentials file as .csv extension, then use it to create S3 bucket and Redshift by terraform.

We will create an IAM user, and get the credentials file manually regarding the security aspect. Access for AWS is quite more complex than GCP, composed of IAM user, IAM Role, and Policy which will not be described in detail in this project.

IAM User and Policies

To get the IAM user, we must have root user which is the first user we created when we created AWS account. Then,

  • We need to go to IAM service in AWS console.
  • And go to Users > Add users > Name an unique User name > Attach existing policies directly.
  • Type in search box AmazonS3FullAccess and AmazonRedshiftAllCommandsFullAccess > check the box > Create user.
  • Adding custom policies for Redshift Serverless by clicking the created user and then Add permission > Create inline policy,
    • use json option and type in this:
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"
    • Next > Create policy
  • Get a csv credential file by clicking on the created user > Security credentials > Create access key > choose Local Code for our purpose > name an unique access key > Download .csv file

After getting the credentials file, mount it to your credentials folder. Now, we can use it in terraform to create S3 bucket and Redshift resources.

Terraform for AWS

In this part is quite complex due to "static credentials" aspect, since we don't need to hard-coded or type in the key derectly to the terraform file. So in general, we will use "terraform.tfvars" to pass the hard-coded credentials to terraform file and add terraform.tfvars to .gitignore.

The concept is simple: we create resources in where some part of it use var. to refer to the variable in file. In file, we specify the variable name, type, and default value, if the default value is not specified, we have to pass the value interactively after terraform apply as inputs OR pass it automatically by creating terraform.tfvars file and type in the variable name and value. This is where we will copy credentials from csv to put it in (and again don't forget to add both files to .gitignore).

All you need to do is creating terraform.tfvars (must be this name) in your terraform folder, and type in the following:

# aws credentials
aws_access_key = "your-access-key"
aws_secret_key = "your-secret-key"

# optional for serverless redshift

# Application Definition
app_environment   = "dev" # Dev, Test, Staging, Prod, etc

# Network Configuration
redshift_serverless_vpc_cidr      = ""
redshift_serverless_subnet_1_cidr = ""
redshift_serverless_subnet_2_cidr = ""
redshift_serverless_subnet_3_cidr = ""

Then you good to go with terraform apply.

In Addition, configuring Redshift Serverless is quite complex, so I will not go into detail, but you can check the code in Basically we need to create the following:

  • Data "aws_availability_zones" to get the availability zone.
  • VPC.
  • Redshift subnet, and also config your available IP address in terraform.tfvars.
  • IAM role for Redshift Serverless.
  • Grant some access and attach some policy for the role.
  • Workgroup
  • Namespace.

Unlike S3, which is much more easier to create, we just need to specify the name of the bucket, and the region.

Note: Redshift Serverless let us create a data warehouse without managing the cluster ourselves, it can scale down to zero or pay as you use, but it's still in preview.

2.5 Detail of the ETL Code

I intentionally separate the code for AWS and GCP, so we can easily find between them. The code for AWS is in file. The code is quite similar to GCP, but there are some differences, such as:

  • using boto3 instead of to connect to S3.
  • how we use credentials file to connect to the cloud.
  • using psycopg2 instead of bigquery to load to Redshift.
  • uploading clean data to S3 bucket using awswrangler, which implemented on pandas library, instead of using gcsfs.
  • how to fetch the data from postgres database to gcp and aws, which is different in the code, but the concept is the same.

Note: Since we use the same file that is downloaded or fetched, so the deleting file from local airflow docker container will be deprecated avoiding conflict between clouds. Unless, it will cause a bug by shutil in the first run, because the file is not exists in the local container.

Note: Loading to Redshift part will be described more in the future

3. Web Scraping

This part is not currently in development. I will update the progress later. But, you can check the concept and the old written code in web-scraping folder.

4. EDA and Data Visualization

Once we have the data in the data warehouse, we can do the EDA and data visualization connecting data from the data warehouse. I will use PowerBI to create the dashboard, and Python for some ad-hoc analysis.

4.1 EDA

Actually, we have to do the EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis) before loading data to data warehouse for cleaning and transformation, but in the analysis part, we can do in different objectives. In this part, I will do an EDA to see the characteristic of the data, and see if there is any insight that can be used to improve the business.

Data Characteristics

This part is mostly done with Python by Pandas and Matplotlib, because of its flexible.

  • CustomerID contains null values
    • fill null values with int 0 → for RFM, CustomerID 0 will be removed
  • Description contains null values
    • fill null values with “No Description”
  • Description contains different descriptions for the same stock code
    • replace the most frequent description → for market basket analysis
  • UnitPrice contains negative values
    • StockCode "B": adjust bad dept
  • Quantity contains negative values means the refund
  • Quantity and UnitPrice contain outliers
    • need to be removed for model development
    • should be kept for revenue analysis
  • Quantity < 0 & UnitPrice = 0 → Anomaly
    • should be removed for model development
    • should be kept for revenue analysis
    • should be filtered out for market basket analysis
    • it can be something, like damagae, manually filled, etc.
  • InvoiceNo contains "C" → refund
  • Inconsistent StockCode
    • "D" → discount
    • "M" → manual (there's also "m")
    • "S" → sample
    • "BANK CHARGES" → bank charges
    • "POST" → postage
    • "DOT" → dotcom postage
    • "CRUK" → charity
    • "PADS" → pads to match all cushions
    • "C2" → carriage
    • the digits StockCode with a letter → the same product but different colors
  • More from random data description: UnitPrice is in "Pound sterling"
  • Country mostly contains "United Kingdom" → more than 90% of the data
  • InvoiceDate includes time, but not in the same timezone, for different countries

You can check the code in ecomm_eda.ipynb file.

4.2 PowerBI Dashboard

Since, the current version of PowerBI has a bug of connecting to data warehouse, I will connect the data from local parquet file that loaded from data warehouse instead.

We can connect parquet file locally to Power BI:

  • Go to Get Data > Type in "Parquet" > Connect > use Basic option, and type in URL box by this: file:///C:/path/to/data.parquet > Then, click OK

Note: you have to change the path to your local path

Now we can see the data in PowerBI, and do the data visualization.


I won't go into detail of how to create the dashboard or each component, but you can download and check it yourself in ecomm_bi.pbix file.

What worth to mention are:

  • I used DAX to calculate Growth Rate as a measure that would be quite complex for some people who are not familiar with PowerBI or DAX, but it used just regular formula as: (Sales in the Current Context month - Sales in the Previous month) / Sales in the Previous month. I also used CALCULATE function to calculate the previous month value together with ALLSELECTED, and DIVIDE function to calculate the growth rate.
  • I linked variables between reports to be able to Drill Through to other reports, making the dashboard more interactive, and more in-depth to analyze.

A little note for future myself:

  • Dashboard is about Storytelling, so it's better to have a story in mind before creating the dashboard. It's not just about the data, but how to arrange the story from the data.
  • It's crucial to know who are the audiences of the dashboard, and what the objective of the dashboard is. So, we can select the right metrics, right data, and right visualization.
  • Data model is very important, it's the foundation of the dashboard. If the data model is incorrected, the dashboard will be incorrected also. If the data model come in a good shape, the dashboard will be easier to create, and the data will be easier to analyze. (especially in aspect of Time Intelligence)

Note: I will update the dashboard in the future, since it's not fully finished.

5. Machine Learning Model Development

The Model Development part is not fully finished yet, but some part of it are done and ready to be presented.

This is what I have planned so far:

  1. Customer Segmentation By RFM, KMeans, and Tree (Done)
  2. Market Basket Analysis (Done)
  3. Recommendation System (Not started)
  4. Demand Forecasting (In progress)
  5. Customer Churn Prediction (Not started)
  6. Price Analysis and Optimization (Not started)

You can see the code in model_dev.ipynb

5.1 Customer Segmentation By RFM, KMeans, and Tree-based Model


RFM (Recency, Frequency, Monetary) is a well known method to segment customers based on their behavior. But recency, fequency, and monetary alone, are not effective enough to segment the diversity of customers. We should use other available features or characteristics of customers to segment them more effectively that come to the harder to score with traditional RFM method.

As a result, KMeans emerged as a crucial machine learning technique for effectively clustering clients into more precise customer segments. But, the Kmeans is not interpretable, we can't explain the result or criteria to the business that how clusters are formed or how the customers are segmented, but only show what features we use in KMeans model (we don't even know which features are more influence).

So, we can use Decision Tree to find the criteria of the clusters, and explain the result to the business, leading to proper campaigns and strategies that suit to customer segments to be launched.

Moreover, we can use XGBoost to find the most important features that influence the customer segments (or each segment), and further concern and develop strategies regarding that features.

RFM and Features Details

First, we will form the RFM table based on customer transactions and add some more features (Feature Engineering) that we think it might be useful for segmentation which include:

  • Recency
  • Frequency
  • Monetary
  • is one time purchase
  • mean time between purchase
  • mean ticket size (average total price of each purchase)
  • mean of number of unique items of each purchase
  • mean quantity items of each purchase
  • mean spending per month
  • frequency of purchase per month
  • (refund rate)

Eventually, we will get a new table that represents customers profile and their behavior, this table is a rfm variable in the code in

Note: The features we used to decribe the customer behavior is not limited to the features above, we can add more features that we think it might be useful for segmentation, but also should be interpretable for initiaing the campaigns and strategies, so some features, like standard deviation, might not be appropriate for this case.


Before we put the customer profile data into KMeans, we should scale the data first , in my case I used Robust Scaler, to make the data have the same scale, since KMeans algorithm use distance to calculate the clusters, so it's sensitive to the different scale of the data.

Then, we will use KMeans to segment customers into clusters. We will use Elbow Method and Silhouette Plot to find the optimal number of clusters which eventually is 10 clusters.



Then, we label the clusters to customer profile table which not scaled yet, so we can see the customer profile of each cluster with the original scale to make it more interpretable. We will use this table to find the criteria of the clusters as an input and validation set for the Decision Tree.


Decision Tree

After that, we will use Decision Tree to find the criteria of the clusters to make the clustering result from KMeans become interpretable. I used Random Search with Cross Validation to find the best hyperparameters of the Decision Tree to make it the most accurate resulting in accuracy 91.41% on test set, 94.11% on train set, macro averaged of F1 score 0.75, to clarify criteria of each cluster.


Note: The 91% accuracy doesn't mean we segmented the customers correctly by 91%, because we can't be sure that Kmeans correctly 100% segmented the customers (and definitely, it didn't), but we can tell that the Decision Tree can explain the criteria of the clusters correctly by 91% in generalization, So we can take account of the criteria from the Decision Tree to cluster customer segmented to follow Kmeans result.


Finally, we will use XGBoost to find the most important features that influence the customer segments or important factors to develop the strategies. I also used Random Search with Cross Validation to find the best hyperparameters of XGBoost resulting in accuracy 97.76% on test set, 100% on train set, macro averaged of F1 score 0.77, to find the most important features (seem overfitting, but it's not a main focused).

You may heard of feature importance from XGBoost that can describe which features are more influence to the model, but it's not effective enough due to its limitation, like how it treats the correlated features, how differently treats the categorical features and numerical features, and how it's not generalized to other models. So, I used Permutation Feature Importance instead, which is more generalized for choosing the most influence features to each cluster. Moreover, it can be used with any model, not just XGBoost.


The most important features for each cluster can be shown in the plot below:


Finally we can classify the customers into 10 clusters and explain the criteria of each cluster to the business.

  • Cluster 0 : Bought less, not often, and small ticket size, I think this is a cluster of casual customers or one-time purchase customers.
  • Cluster 1 : Bought much in amount, but low quantity.
  • Cluster 3 : Bought less in amount, but bought often, and small ticket size, I think this is a cluster of regular customers who are likely to active and easily attracted by marketing campaign.
  • Cluster 4 : Big spenders, and bought a lot of items both quantity, and diverse items, I guess this is a cluster of wholesale customers.
  • Cluster 5 : Also Big spenders, and bought a lot of items both quantity, and diverse items, I also think this is a cluster of wholesaler but bigger than cluster 4, because they bought in more amount and more quantity.
  • Cluster 7 : Big spenders, but not much as cluster 5, spent 50 - 155ÂŁ per month and bought once a month approximately, and also bought in low quantity. I guess this is a cluster of valuable regular customers that we should keep. Moreover, they're also the largest group among all clusters.

... and so on.

Note: the more cluster and the more depth you have, the more complex and specific the criteria of each cluster will be, leading to harder to classify.

5.2 Market Basket Analysis

The Market Basket Analysis is a technique to find the association between items that customers purchase together. It can be used to find the relationship between items, and use the result to develop strategies such as cross-selling, and product bundling.

The important metrics of Market Basket Analysis are:

  • Support
    • how frequent the itemset appears in the dataset
    • can be calculated by: support(itemset) = count_basket(itemset) / total_count_basket
    • support score range from 0 to 1, "minimum support" can be used to filter out itemset that are not frequent (threshold depends on user and dataset)
  • Confidence
    • how likely item B is purchased when item A is purchased
    • confidence(A→B) = count_basket(itemset (A and B)) / count_basket(A)
    • confidence score range from 0 to 1, "minimum confidence threshold" can be used to filter out itemset that are not meet the requirement (threshold depends on user and dataset)
  • Lift
    • how likely item B is purchased when item A is purchased, how many times probability increase or decrease compared with normal B purchased
    • lift(A→B) = confidence(A→B) / support(B)
    • lift score range from 0 to infinity (in times unit)
    • lift > 1 → B is likely to be purchased when A is purchased
    • lift < 1 → B is unlikely to be purchased when A is purchased
    • lift = 1 → B is independent from A

The Market Basket Analysis can be done by using Apriori Algorithm which is a popular and effective algorithm to find the association between items. one can use mlxtend library to implement Apriori Algorithm following these steps:

  • Step 1: Find frequent itemset (itemset that meet the minimum support threshold)
  • Step 2: Generate association rules from frequent itemset (itemset that meet the minimum confidence threshold)
  • Step 3: Sort the rules by lift
  • Step 4: Visualize the rules as a table and interpret the result

What challenges in market basket analysis are data preparation, specifying threshold of each metric, and interpret the result to the business. It's can be done easily and useful for the retail business.

for example of the result of market basket analysis can be shown in the table below:

Antecedents Consequents Support Confidence Lift
... ... ... ... ...

Note: The table is snippet from the result of market basket analysis

We can interpret the result as:

  • PINK REGENCY TEACUP AND SAUCER and GREEN REGENCY TEACUP AND SAUCER are frequently purchased together, the itemset appeared by 3.41% of total transactions (considered by support score)

    Note: In our case, we filter out single item purchase transaction, hence the 3.14% is the percentage of transactions that contain both 2 or more items which is basket_encoded_filter variable in the notebook resulting in 15660 x 0.034121 = 534 transactions out of 16811 transactions.

  • the probability of GREEN REGENCY TEACUP AND SAUCER purchased when PINK REGENCY TEACUP AND SAUCER purchased is 82.85% (high confidence)

  • the probability of GREEN REGENCY TEACUP AND SAUCER purchased when PINK REGENCY TEACUP AND SAUCER purchased is 15.04 times higher than alone GREEN REGENCY TEACUP AND SAUCER purchases (high lift)

  • the second row (or rule) is the same as the first row, but the consequent and antecedent are swapped, so we can watch the result from both sides

  • the third rule and so on, show the bundle of item that are frequently purchased together, these rules can be used to develop strategies such as cross-selling, product bundling.


5.3 Recommendation System

in development . . .

5.4 Demand Forecasting

In this section, we will use Time Series Forecasting technique to predict future values based on the past values of the data. we will use some input from the past as features to predict the future sales.

In general, we use current features or features that already happened fed into the model to predict the sales as a target. But, the problem is, if we want to predict the sales of the next month, we don't have the records of the next month yet. So, we have to use the records of the past to predict the sales of the next month.

Therefore, we have to perform feature engineering, transform data, create features to obtain the appropriate and effective features to predict the future sales. So, we will use Lag Features and Rolling Window Statistics.

But how can we know how lag of the features and how many rolling window statistics should we use? first we can use Auto-correlation to find the optimal lag value or candidates to be used as lag features. Then, we can use Cross-Validation to find the optimal number of rolling window and the best candidate of lag features.

Additionally, I used Fast Fourier Transform to find seasonality of the data, which is the pattern that repeats itself at regular intervals of time. The seasonality can be used to create features to predict the future sales.

Personally, I thought using fast fourier transform to find seasonality is quite more quantitative than using autocorrelation. But, we can use both of them to find the seasonality of the data to ensure the result.

I think the most challenging part of timeseries forecasting is to find the appropriate features to predict the future sales. The features that we use to predict the future sales should be the features that already happened in the past, and we can't use the features that will happen in the future. So, checking how much lagged values of the features can be significant to predict the future sales is very important.

Baseline (Mean) 3170.143 27.16%
LightGBM 4884.230 32.29%

(Current Result)

Even we can see that the prediction result can a bit capture the trend of the data, but the result is not good enough compared with mean of the target.

I intended to decompose the data into trend, seasonality, and residual, then use them as features to predict the future sales to make it stationary and also add moving average types such as EMA (Exponential Moving Average) and LWMA (Linear Weighted Moving Average) to the model, to weight the recent data more than the old data. Moreover, I want to test traditional statistical model such as ARIMA, and SARIMA. But, I think it's enough for now, I will update the model later.

In development . . .


5.5 Customer Churn Prediction

In development . . .

5.6 Price Analysis and Optimization

In development . . .

6. Model Deployment and Monitoring

After we developed and evaluated the model, we can deploy the model to production to leverage the business, bringing the model out from the Python notebook or your lab, and not only making it available to the data scientist.

We can deploy the model to production in many approaches, such as:

  • Batch Inference: the model is deployed to production as a batch process, the model is run periodically to predict the target variable, the result is stored in the database, and the business can use the result to leverage the business.
  • Real-Time Inference: the model is deployed to production as a real-time process.
  • Model as a Service: the model is deployed to production as a web service utilizing APIs, the model is run only when the business needs to predict the target variable, and the business can use the result to leverage the business or use the API to integrate with other applications.

In this project, we will deploy the model to the cloud environment (GCP). The model will be deployed as a web service using FastAPI as a web framework for building RESTful APIs, and Docker as a containerization platform to make the model portable and scalable.


The steps to deploy the model to production are:

  1. Exporting the model(s)
  2. Designing and creating an API web service using FastAPI
  3. Making it portable and scalable using Docker Containerization
  4. Deploying the Codel to the Cloud Environment (GCP)
  5. (Optional) Automating the deployment process using CI/CD pipeline by Github Actions

For more resource for deployment overview, I recommended this ML Deployment Chapter from Machine Learning Zoomcamp.

6.1 Exporting the Model(s)

In this section, we will export the model and extract the pipeline, pre-processing and transformation code, which we meant to use in the API web service.

  • For ML model, we will use Pickle to save the model as a file.
    import pickle
    #, y_train)
    with open("./deployment/model_name.pkl", "wb") as f:
        pickle.dump(model, f)
    Note: save in the same directory as file, so we can easily use it in later.
  • For pre-processing and transformation code, we will extract the production code into Python script to be ready to put it in the FastAPI script. When we develop the model, it's usually in the phase of the experiment, consisting of validation and many trials and errors. But, when we deploy to production, we have to select the part of the code that's consistent and will work the best.

6.2 Designing and Creating an API Web Service

In this project, we will use FastAPI which is a high-performance, web framework for building APIs with Python. FastAPI official documentation is very well written, easy to understand and follow even you're not familiar with web development, just knowing a basic understanding of Python. Check it out here: FastAPI Documentation

What I recommended are:

Mostly, your API should have these endpoints:

  • GET: to get the path and query parameters from the client and return the result.
  • POST: to get the "Request Body" from the client and return the result.


In my opinion, GET method should be used when the client wants to get some data from the server not using the request body to exploit the ML model.

And, POST method should be used when the client wants to send the data to the server and get the result from the server which is more proper for utilizing ML model scenario.

We will put pre-processing, transformation code, and write some logic to handle the request from the client in the FastAPI script.

In development . . .

6.3 Docker Containerization

After we designed and created the FastAPI script:, we will pack it as a Docker image built by: deployment.Dockerfile and run it as a container when we want to use it.

If your API use any libraries that are not included in the base image, you have to install it additionally in the Dockerfile with the second requirements.txt that is used by the FastAPI script.

In the deployment.Dockerfile, we will specify the base image, copy the FastAPI script, the model file, and dependencies for the script to the container, making it ready to be portable.

Note: What worth to mention is that the path specifying in the Dockerfile is relative to working directory, or where we execute the docker build command. So, we have to be aware of the path we specify in the Dockerfile and how to execute the file via CLI.

For example, in the deployment.Dockerfile, we specify the path to copy the files as:

COPY ./deployment .

Because the command meant to be executed via CLI having working directory in the root directory of the project, not the within deployment directory (and with a few research, I found that it's not possible to specify the path to copy the files from the parent directory, so we can tell that this is the right and the only way to be done).

And when we execute the command, we have to be in the root directory of the project with CLI and use this command pattern:

docker build -t <image-name> -f <path-to-dockerfile> <path-to-working-directory>
# -t: tag the image with the name
# -f: specify the path to Dockerfile that we want to execute

# which can lead to this command
docker build -t ecomm-invoice-api-local -f deployment\deployment.Dockerfile .

6.4 Deploying the Model to the Cloud Environment

After we have everything ready, we will deploy the model to the cloud environment (GCP). We will use Google Cloud Run which is a serverless environment to deploy the containerized application. It's easy to use and manage, and it's also scalable. But, it needs to be connected to the Artifact Registry to use the Docker image we built.

So, what we need to do is:

  • Build the Docker image locally and push it to the Artifact Registry.
  • Deploy the Docker image from the Artifact Registry to the Cloud Run.

That's it! What we need to worry about is how to authenticate the GCP account to use the GCP CLI (gcloud) and how to connect the Artifact Registry to the Cloud Run which is very well documented in the GCP documentation:

First, you need to install Google Cloud CLI (gcloud/Cloud SDK) and then enable the Artifact Registry API and Cloud Run API (Read Documentation above for more detail). Second, you can run gcloud --version in Google Cloud SDK to check if it is able to be used. Third, add the following roles to the service account that you use to authenticate the gcloud CLI in IAM & Admin page:

  • Service Account User
  • Artifact Registry Writer
  • Artifact Registry Reader
  • Cloud Run Admin

Note: Add "Artifact Registry Administrator" role if you want to create a repository in the Artifact Registry via Terraform.

And the last step is manually creating a repository in the Artifact Registry.

Then, you have to run the following commands:

# Google Cloud SDK Shell

# use absolute path to the service account key file to avoid any error
gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=path/to/your/service-account-key.json

# replace placeholder with your desired region
gcloud auth configure-docker "$"

# replace placeholder with your desired variables
# this will build an image locally
docker build -t "$$PROJECT_ID/$IMAGE_NAME:latest" -f deployment\deployment.Dockerfile .

# this will tag the image for the Artifact Registry (This step is essential)

# this will push the image to the Artifact Registry
docker push "$$PROJECT_ID/$REPOSITORY/$IMAGE_NAME:latest"

# this will deploy the image in Artifact Registry to the Cloud Run
gcloud run deploy $SERVICE_NAME --image $$PROJECT_ID/$REPOSITORY/$IMAGE_NAME:latest --region $REGION --port $PORT --project $PROJECT_ID --allow-unauthenticated

Note1: All commands above are well documented in the GCP documentation, so you can read it above for more detail.

Note2: You can export the environment variables to avoid typing the same variables over and over again, reducing the chance of making a mistake.

Then, you can go to Cloud Run Console and check URL or an endpoint where you application is deployed. You can also check the logs in the Cloud Run Console to see if there is any error. Done! You can test your application with the endpoints.

6.5 Automating the Deployment Process (Optional)

When we have developed the model and the API, we surely need to deploy it to the cloud environment with newer version of it. But, we don't want to do it manually every time we update the model or the API. So, this come to the important of automating the deployment process.

Github Actions is one of many CI/CD tools that we can use to automate the deployment process. It's quite easy to use and manage, and it's also free for public repositories. It can automate tasks when we trigger it with the events we specify. For example, we can automate the deployment process when we push or pull request the code with a certain branch to the repository.

What you need to do is upload your project to your own github repository, and create a sample branch that can be used to trigger the workflow. Then, create a workflow file in the .github/workflows directory. You can name it whatever you want, but it has to be in the .yml format. For example, I name it deploy.yml.

I won't go into detail about how to write the workflow file, but you can check it out in deploy.yml. The process is similar to what we did in the previous section, but we have to specify the environment variables in the workflow file and add additionally steps for runner to check out the repository, set up the gcloud CLI, and authenticate the service account.

Github Secrets Variable

The most important step is to add the GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS to Secrets variables in Github. Remember that we must not push or expose the service account key file to the public repository, so we have to add it to the Secrets variable so that our workflow can use it to authenticate with google cloud services.

In the deploy.yml, you should see something like, ${{ secrets.variable_name }}. This indicate that the workflow call the variable from the Secrets variable we specified. You have to do the following steps to do it correctly:

  • Open "Git Bash" and run the command to get the content of the service account key file in base64 encoded format.
    # Git Bash
    # Use absolute path to the service account key file to avoid any error
    cat path/to/your/local/service-account-key.json | base64
  • Copy the output and go to your github repository.
  • Go to Settings > Secrets and variables > New repository secret.
  • Add the GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS as the name of the secret variable and paste the output of the command above to the value of the secret variable.
  • Click Add secret and Type in your password to confirm.
  • If you want any additional environment variables, you can add it to the Secrets variable as well, like PROJECT_ID, etc.

For the original detail of encoding the service account key as base64, check it here

When we use it in the workflow, we will decode it back to the original format to put into the service account key file used to authenticate with google cloud services. And, after all the processes are done, we will delete the service account key file from the github runner to avoid any security issue. Check the code detail in the deploy.yml.

Done! Now, you can push or pull request the code to the repository (with your specific branch) to trigger the workflow, and you can check the workflow status in the Actions tab in your github repository. You can also check the logs in the Cloud Run Console to see if there is any error.

Note1: for my personal method, I use deploy branch which is an arbitrary name and content in the branch is different from the main branch. So, I can pull request the code to the deploy branch to trigger the workflow. And if the workflow is failed, I fix the code in main branch and use git reset to undo the pushed code repeatedly. If you don't close the pull request, the workflow will be triggered again and again when you push the new version of workflow code to the main branch.

Note2: git reset then force push is dangerous when you're working with other collaborators, please be aware of it. Check how to reset or undo the committed without traces here

This solution of encoding the service account key file as base64 is not the best practice regarding security aspect. There's another better approach I found which is called "Keyless authentication", but it's much more complicated and requires more services invloved and many more steps to be done. So, as we are in the learning phase, I think this approach is enough for now.


7. Conclusion

From this project, we learned how to:

  • Design data architecture, and select tools for each process to be used in the project.
  • Set up environment for virtualization to simulate the local environment such as database, and web server.
  • Create an ETL pipeline to extract data from various sources, transform the data, and load the data to the target database.
  • Utilize cloud services to extend the datalake, data warehouse to production.
  • Create a dashboard to visualize the data and analyze the business.
  • Develop machine learning models to predict the future sales, customer segments, and customer churn.
  • Deploy the model to production to leverage the business using API web service, and cloud services.

This is the biggest personal project I've ever done so far, and I learned a lot from it. I hope it can be useful for anyone reading this as well. Although this project is not fully finished yet, but I will keep working on it and update it continuously as my knowledge and experience grow.

Thank you for your reading, happy learning.

What's coming next?

  • Right now, I'm quite done with deployment process. What can be improve is to use "Cloud Build", which will be focus later after DS, and DE parts.

  • Creating FastAPI script to deploy the model is the main focus at the moment.

  • The Demand Forecasting Model is not working successfully. So, it will be the main focus to improve the model performance after creating the API.

  • Churn Prediction Model is the next main focus after Demand Forecasting Model.

  • Extending to Redshift cluster is not fully finished yet, so I will continue to work on it and extend to Microsoft Azure after.

  • The ETL pipeline is not fully finished yet in the part of loading data to the local target Postgres database. So, I will add it after extending to Azure.

  • Price Analysis and Recommendation System are the next main focus after ETL pipeline.

  • Improving PowerBI Dashboard to analyze the business is the last main focus after Recommendation System.

  • Note New Idea: Deploy Airflow on VM (selected one cloud provider) to schedule ETL Data Pipeline and Model Training.