We use GitHub to organize suggestions. You can view current suggestions or submit your own suggestion at https://github.com/Pemigrade/Acorn/issues. Bug reports should also be filed here.
When a suggestion is accepted, it will be added to a backlog and will have a priority assigned to it. Please view https://github.com/Pemigrade/Acorn/projects/1?fullscreen=true to see the current backlog.
To create a bug report or a feature request, please click on the Issues tab and create a "New Issue."
The primary config files are available to the public on this GitHub project. There is no guarantee that these files will be up-to date. They will be modified without warning in the future. If you are unsure that a value is up-to-date, feel free to request an update in #support. Some information has been redacted from the files, but all information that should affect your daily activities is available. You may request that we make another file public by creating an issue.