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Cloudinary-ImageUploader Demo 简体中文

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Quick Start

This demo shows how to upload an image file to Cloudinary by using the latest Perfect features such as Perfect-Crypto, an updated version of Perfect-CURL with POSTFields() structure support (April 2017) and Perfect-JSON decoder as well.

Ensure you have installed and activated the latest Swift 3.1 tool chain.

Get Your Cloudinary Tokens

Before trying this example, a Cloudinary Account from is essentially required.

Once registered, copy down these important account information from the dashboard page, as demo above:

  1. Your User Name
  2. Your Cloud Name
  3. API Key
  4. API Secret

Download Source Code

Clone this project to your local computer, as the following command:

$ git clone

Try the Demo

Now please prepare one of sample pictures to perform the test and remember the path name, for example: /tmp/mypic.png.

Then open the Tests folder for CloudinaryTests.swift and customize it to all above settings:

func testExample() {
		// please change all these strings to your settings
      let cloud = Cloudinary(
      cloud_name: "your cloud name here", 
      user_name: "your user name here", 
      api_key: "your api key", 
      api_secret: "your api secret")
      do {
      	// please make sure that a valid path to your image file to upload
        let r = try cloud.upload(fileName: "/tmp/mypic.png")
      }catch(let err) {

Once completed, simply run $ swift test in your terminal, and some interesting positive responses should pop up:

Compile Swift Module 'Cloudinary' (1 sources)
Compile Swift Module 'CloudinaryTests' (1 sources)
Linking ./.build/debug/CloudinaryPackageTests.xctest/Contents/MacOS/CloudinaryPackageTests
Test Suite 'All tests' started at 2017-04-11 10:45:13.276
Test Suite 'CloudinaryPackageTests.xctest' started at 2017-04-11 10:45:13.277
Test Suite 'CloudinaryTests' started at 2017-04-11 10:45:13.277
Test Case '-[CloudinaryTests.CloudinaryTests testExample]' started.
["format": "png", 
"etag": "6cc23320d763b4a6272e44a208b796eb", 
"width": 200, 
"original_filename": "mypic", 
"type": "upload", 
"height": 200, 
"bytes": 18574, 
"secure_url": "", 
"created_at": "2017-04-11T14:45:14Z", 
"resource_type": "image", 
"version": 1491921914, 
"url": ""]
Test Case '-[CloudinaryTests.CloudinaryTests testExample]' passed (1.017 seconds).

Then your image file should appear in the Media Library on Cloudinary, Cheers!

Go Deeper

If looked into the source, the actually key part of this example is only a few lines.

Firstly, the demo encodes user name / secret with a timestamp int a signature:

// get the current time
let timestamp = time(nil)

// combine the api secret with your name and timestamp
let value = "tags=\(user_name)&timestamp=\(timestamp)\(api_secret)"

// encode the whole string with SHA-1 algorithm
guard let sha1 = value.digest(.sha1)?.encode(.hex),

// generate the signature - now your secret
let signature = String(validatingUTF8:sha1) 

Secondly, a CURL.POSTFields structure has been applied to store all the settings:

let fields = CURL.POSTFields()
_ = fields.append(key: "timestamp", value: "\(timestamp)")
_ = fields.append(key: "api_key", value: api_key)
_ = fields.append(key: "signature", value: signature)
_ = fields.append(key: "tags", value: user_name)
_ = fields.append(key: "file", path: fileName)

The third step, which is the final step, is to call a CURL command which is actually performing the upload:

let curl = CURL(url: "\(cloud_name)/\(resource_type)/upload")
let ret = curl.formAddPost(fields: fields)
let r = curl.performFullySync()

With an extra tip, the demo also provides a very good example of safely decode the JSON response from Cloudinary:

var ptr = r.bodyBytes
// append a zero to the body buffer is a good idea to complete a NULL-terminated string

let s = String(cString: ptr)
guard r.resultCode == 0, r.responseCode == 200 else {
	// throw something here
}//end guard

// decode the json expression
return try s.jsonDecode() as? [String:Any] ?? [:]

⚠️NOTE⚠️ The actual calling procedure of the above demo is equivalent to the CURL command:

$ curl -X POST \
	-F timestamp=YOUR_TIME_STAMP  \
	-F api_key=YOUR_API_KEY \
	-F signature=YOUR_SIGNATURE \
	-F file=@/tmp/mypic.png


We are transitioning to using JIRA for all bugs and support related issues, therefore the GitHub issues has been disabled.

If you find a mistake, bug, or any other helpful suggestion you'd like to make on the docs please head over to and raise it.

A comprehensive list of open issues can be found at

Further Information

For more information on the Perfect project, please visit

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