argon + secrets management
touch secrets.json
echo "{ \"username\": \"admin\", \"password\": \"password\" }" >> secrets.json
aws secretsmanager create-secret --name test-secret-1 --secret-string file://secrets.json --endpoint-url "http://localstack:4566" > /dev/null
# optionally:
# aws secretsmanager list-secrets --endpoint-url "http://localstack:4566"
- [done] retrieval
- [wip] rotation
- [tbd] caching
:- detaches from argon shell
- stops argon container
- [optional]
docker compose down
:- stops and removes the development stack
- execute only if you want to get rid of the whole stack
- you can keep the stack alive even when you exit and shut down the argon container and when you're ready to start argon again, running
is just going to start argon - the rest of the stack is already running. - your workflow could look like this:
-> exit ->./
-> exit ->./
- Retrieve secrets from AWS Secrets Manager
- Retrieve AWS Secrets Manager secrets in .NET applications - this is about caching as the caching package is the preferred/recommended way of interacting with the secrets manager.
- Secrets Manager examples using AWS SDK for .NET
- AmazonSecretsManagerClient
- AmazonSecretsManagerConfig
- Rotate AWS Secrets Manager secrets