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PolyVerif FrameWork

PolyVerif AV Validation Suite

This is Poly-Verification and Validation Suite. Its functionality is to generate the test cases and validate the autonomous stack. It integrate the Python and Scenic scenario description language with AutowareAuto and helps to generate the random scenario for simulation. Since we are using OSSDC Simulator and AutowareAuto, it will require a high-end server with Graphics card to run it smoothly.

This document contains the information of installing and setup the component for running Poly_Suite framework. It requires below setup, libraries and package that are need to be install in sequence as mention below.

The Simulator performance will be very slow if run on a lower PC configuration.

Below is the PC configuration required:

PC Configuration:

• CPU: at least 8 core CPU
• GPU: Nvidia GTX 1080 (8GB memory) or higher
• OS: Ubuntu 20.04 64-bit


•	Ubuntu 
•	Python3.8

Refer Document directory for PolyVerif installation and User Guide. Note:- Follow step-wise document for better understanding.

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