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Biome Pipeline

Polyhedral-Bot edited this page Dec 24, 2021 · 1 revision

The Biome Pipeline is a powerful tool that allows for customization of the distribution of biomes in the world.

Pipeline Options


The initial size of biome chunks. This value must be at least 2. This is not the final size of biome chunks. Final chunks will be much larger.

It is recommended to keep biome chunks' final size in the range of [50, 300] to prevent performance issues. To calculate the size of biome chunks, simply take initial-size and for each expand stage, multiply the running value by 2 and subtract 1. (The size is also printed to the server console if you have debug mode enabled)


The Biome Source to use to provide base biomes for the pipeline to work with. Generally this provides very few biomes, used to define the largest stage of the world. In overworld configs, for example, the biome source is generally used to define land/ocean layout.

Source Options


The type of biome source to use. Available source types:

  • NOISE - Use a noise function to distribute source biomes.


A Weighted Pool of biomes to use for selection.


The noise configuration to use for selection.

(End source options)


List of stages. The source biomes are passed through these stages sequentially, and each stage applies an operation to the biomes.

Stage Options

Stages are defined by a key specifying stage type, with a value containing stage options. Stage types:

  • expand - Expand the biome selection. Expander stages are helpful to get rid of noise artifacts.
  • mutate - Mutate the biome selection. Mutators allow you to manipulate the biome selection by replacing biomes, adding borders, and more.

All stages have the following options:


The noise function to be used for the stage. Different stages use noise functions in different ways, which will be explained below.

Expander Stage Options


Type of expander to use. Expander types:

  • FRACTAL - Fractal expander using cellular automaton. In this expander type, the noise function defines which biome to choose if a priority tie occurs. Generally, white noise is used here.

Mutator Stage Options


Type of mutator to apply. Mutator types:

  • REPLACE - Replace a tag with a weighted pool of biomes. The stage noise function is used for selections from the pool.
  • REPLACE_LIST - Replace a list of biomes with per-biome weighted pool, with a default tag/replace list. This is a boilerplate-reducing option for when many biomes are being replaced with specific replacements. The stage noise function is used for selections from the pools.
  • BORDER - Replace a biome whenever it borders another biome from a weighted pool. The stage noise function is used for selections from the pool.
  • BORDER_LIST - Another boilerplate-reducing mutator, similar to REPLACE_LIST. The stage noise function is used for selections from the pools.
  • SMOOTH - Smooth rough edges left by expand stages. The stage noise function is used to choose biomes in the case of a priority tie.



Biomes with this tag will be replaced.


Weighted Pool of biomes to use as replacements.



Map of Biome ID to Weighted Pool. Biomes here will be specially replaced with selections from their weighted pools.


Biomes with this tag will be replaced by the default pool, provided that no to biomes match.


Weighted Pool of biomes to use as replacements for biomes matching default-from.

BORDER Options


Tag to trigger border replacement.


Biomes with this tag will be replaced, if they are bordering a biome tagged with from.


Weighted Pool of biomes to use as replacements.



Tag to trigger border replacement.


Map of Biome ID to Weighted Pool. Biomes here will be specially replaced with selections from their weighted pools.


Biomes with this tag will be replaced by the default pool, provided that no to biomes match.


Weighted Pool of biomes to use as replacements for biomes matching default-from.

A commented pipeline is available in the Default Config's pack.yml.

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