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Matteo Bernardini edited this page Oct 6, 2020 · 12 revisions

Robby Workman's announce

this is a unofficial fork of master branch from git repository.

here are unofficial mods to their slackbuilds to run on slackware-current with sbopkg.

  • master branch will follow repository;
  • on every update of the original master branch, I'll rebase the other branches (you can see them in "branches") on it;
  • the "current" branch will be deleted and the modified build scripts in the various branches will be merged in a newly created "current" one with a single commit;
  • current-with-date tags will be used to indicate a release that can be synced or downloaded as tarball.

if you just want to see the modified code for interested packages (some are optional updates) just select the branch from main menu (or from branch list) and then click on the commits ids on the right to visualize the patches (another interface that uses cgit is available).

note that I remove from the repository whatever gets added to Slackware current (also under a different name - for example six as python-six) but I don't remove it from the REQUIRES line of the *.info files: this may confuse your third-party semi-automated tool because it won't find packages listed as dependencies but it actually, like you, should just ignore them as they should already be present in your Slackware current full installation (the only platform supported by this repository).

this is the sbopkg queue i use for building my packages (follow these hints to setup this repository in sbopkg).

I'll gladly accept contributions (but not broken downloads/updates, if they don't fix current-specific errors: those should be proposed to the SlackBuilds' maintainers): remember you can fork the git repository yourself (you can use this master, I'll try to keep it in sync) if you like to have your private branches ;)

enjoy :)


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