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adding comp_Lib.R back in with my commenting analysis for #14
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ArtPoon committed Dec 7, 2023
1 parent 6b96462 commit 66ad865
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290 changes: 290 additions & 0 deletions MountainPlot/comp_Lib.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
# A library of functions
library(dplyr,verbose = FALSE)

#Creates a set of data-frames representing a graph of sequences, with the edges between those sequences representing the TN93 Distance.
#Sequences must be dated with the date separated from the id by '_'.
impTN93 <- function(iFile, minNS=63){
#@param iFile: The name/path of the input file (expecting tn93 output csv)
#@param minNS: The minimum number of acceptible new Sequences. By default we keep this high.
#@return: A list of 3 Data frames. An edge list (weighted by TN93 genetic distance), a vertex list,
# and a list of minimum edges, for the future establishment of a timepoint-based model

#Reading input file as a data frame. This will essentially act as an edgelist
idf <- read.csv(iFile, stringsAsFactors = F)

# accession
temp1 <- sapply(idf$ID1, function(x) (strsplit(x,'_')[[1]])[[1]])
# collection date
temp2 <- sapply(idf$ID1, function(x) (strsplit(x,'_')[[1]])[[2]])

temp3 <- sapply(idf$ID2, function(x) (strsplit(x,'_')[[1]])[[1]])
temp4 <- sapply(idf$ID2, function(x) (strsplit(x,'_')[[1]])[[2]])

#Create a data frame from the imported edge list.
el <- data.frame(ID1=as.character(temp1), t1=year(as.Date(temp2)),
ID2=as.character(temp3), t2=year(as.Date(temp4)),
Distance = as.numeric(idf$Distance), stringsAsFactors= F)

#Obtain the maximum time and time difference between the head and tail of each edge
el$tMax <- pmax(el$t1, el$t2)
el$tDiff <- abs(el$t1-el$t2)

#Create a list of vertices based on the edge list. Original sequences with no edges will not be considered.
vl <- unique(data.frame(ID = c(el$ID1, el$ID2), Time = c(el$t1, el$t2), stringsAsFactors=F))

#Order edges and vertices by time point and sort them into a single, larger list
#If the newest timepoint contains a small number of sequences, we remove the newest year from consideration
g <- list(v=vl[order(vl$Time),], e=el[order(el$tMax),], f=el[order(el$tMax),])
while(nrow(subset(g$v,Time==max(Time)))<=minNS) {
keepT <- head(as.numeric(names(table(g$v$Time))),-1)
g <- tFilt(g, keepT)

#Permanently remove edges from the new year such that only the closest edge between new vertices and old vertices remains
#Obtain new vertices and remove any internal edges within the new vertices
#We are not interested in completely new clustering
nV <- subset(g$v, Time==max(Time))

#The subset of vertices excluding those at the oldest year
subV <- subset(g$v, Time>min(Time))

#Obtain the closest retrospective edge of every vertex beyond the oldest year
minE <- bind_rows(lapply(1:nrow(subV), function(i){
v <- subV[i,]
incE <- subset(g$e, (ID1%in%v$ID)|(ID2%in%v$ID))
retE <- subset(incE, (tMax==v$Time)&(tDiff>0))

#Only closest retrospective edges are kept for edges from new cases.
g$e <- subset(g$e, tMax!=max(tMax))
g$e <- rbind(g$e, subset(minE, tMax==max(tMax)))
g$f <- subset(minE, tMax < max(tMax))


#Create clusters based on component clustering by some measure of genetic distance
compClu <- function(iG) {
#@param iG: The inputted graph. Expecting all vertices, but some edges filtered by distance.
#@return: The inputted graph, annotated with a cluster size summary and case membership in the vertices section

#Simplify the list of unsorted vertices (just id's) and edges (just head and tail id's)
vid <- iG$v[,"ID"]
adj <- iG$e[,c("ID1","ID2")]

#Initialize the first cluster name and a column for cluster membership. c0 will be reserved for all singletons if sing=T
iG$v$Cluster <- vector(mode="numeric", length=nrow(iG$v))

#The search vertex becomes the first member of the first cluster and is removed from the searchable set of cluster names
i <- 1
srchV <- vid[1]
memV <- srchV
vid <- setdiff(vid, memV)

#Assigning Cluster Membership
repeat {

#Remove edges internal to search query and list outgoing edges
adj <- subset(adj, !(ID1%in%srchV & ID2%in%srchV))
exE <- subset(adj, ID1%in%srchV | ID2%in%srchV)

#Find all neighbouring vertices to the search vertex (or search vertices) through external edges
#These are then added to the list of member vertices and removed from the list of searchable vertices
nbV <- setdiff(c(exE$ID1,exE$ID2), srchV)
memV <- c(memV, nbV)
vid <- setdiff(vid, nbV)

#If there are no more neigbours to the search vertices, the cluster is completed and we reset the search parameters
if (length(nbV)==0) {

iG$v$Cluster[iG$v$ID%in%memV] <- i

#The end condition, catching the event that there are no vertices to assign to clusters
if (length(vid)==0) {break}

#Reset search parameters
i <- i+1
srchV <- vid[1]
memV <- srchV
vid <- setdiff(vid, memV)


#Remove all edges within the current cluster from the adjacency list
adj <- subset(adj, !(ID1%in%srchV | ID2%in%srchV))
srchV <- nbV

#Add some summary information regarding clusters
iG$c <- table(iG$v$Cluster)


#A simple function, removing edges that sit above a maximum reporting distance (@param:maxD).
dFilt <- function(iG, maxD) {
iG$e <- subset(iG$e, Distance<=maxD)

#A simple function, removing vertices that sit above a maximum time point (@param: maxT)
tFilt <- function(iG, keepT) {
iG$v <- subset(iG$v, Time%in%keepT)
iG$e <- subset(iG$e, tMax%in%keepT)

#Simulate the growth of clusters, showing the difference in cluster size between the newest and the penultimate time point
#The frame of reference for clusters is the penultimate year, simulating one making forcasting decisions based on one time point and validating them with the next
simGrow <- function(iG) {
#@param: The inputted graph. Expecting all vertices, but some edges filtered by distance.
#@return: The same cluster annotated with the actual growth and cluster information

#Obtain clusters at the new time point, after removing singletons
nG <- iG

# subset of new nodes that have no edges to known cases
nSing <- subset(nG$v, (!ID%in%c(nG$e$ID1,nG$e$ID2) & Time==max(Time)))

# subset of new nodes that DO have edges to known cases, AND all known cases
nG$v <- subset(nG$v, !(!ID%in%c(nG$e$ID1,nG$e$ID2) & Time==max(Time)))
nG <- compClu(nG) # assign nodes to connected components

#obtain clusters at an old time point
keepT <- head(as.numeric(names(table(iG$v$Time))),-1)
oG <- compClu(tFilt(iG, keepT))

#Define growth as the difference in cluster size between new and old graphs
#After clsFilter(), nG will have the same number of clusters as oG, and similar membership
iG$g <- nG$c-oG$c
iG$c <- oG$c

#Re-Add the singletons, citing new singletons as members of the cluster 0
if (nrow(nSing)>0){
nSing$Cluster <- 0
iG$v <- rbind(nG$v, nSing)


#Obtains some likelihood data in order to weight cases based on their recency
likData <- function(iG) {
#@param iG: The inputted graph. Expecting the entire Graph with new year included.
#@return: A data frame of "Positives" (related cases) between one time point and another, annotated with the number of possible total positives.
# Each positive also carries it's Genetic Distance measurement and time point difference (between time points)

#Take in total graph without the newest time point (otherwise, we include the validation set in or data set)
keepT <- tail(head(as.numeric(names(table(iG$v$Time))),-1),-1)
subG <- tFilt(iG, keepT)

#Obtain the closest retrospective edge of every vertex
f <- bind_rows(lapply(2:nrow(subG$v), function(i){

v <- subG$v[i,]

incE <- subset(iG$e, (ID1%in%v$ID)|(ID2%in%v$ID))
retE <- subset(incE, (tMax==v$Time)&(tDiff>0))
minE <- retE[which(retE$Distance==min(retE$Distance))[[1]],]
df <- data.frame(Distance=minE$Distance, tMax=minE$tMax, tDiff=minE$tDiff, vTotal=nrow(subset(iG$v, Time==v$Time)))




#Analyze a given Clustered Graph to establish the difference between the performance of two different models
#Performance is defined as the ability for cluster growth to fit a predictive model.
compAnalyze <- function(subG) {
#@param subG: A subGraph cut based on a threshold distance, expecting a member of the multiGraph set
#@return: A graph annotated with growth, cluster info and level of predictive performance (measured through GAIC)

#Obtain some summarized information from the sub-Graph
dMax <- max(subG$e$Distance) # e is edge list filtered by threshold

# f is unfiltered edge list, excluding edges to new cases and between cases from time
tTab <- table(subG$f$tMax) # table of sampling times of most recent node for every edge in $f

# v is node list derived from unfiltered edge list
vTab <- table(subG$v$Time) # table of sampling times, including most recent nodes
eTab <- sapply(as.numeric(names(vTab)), function(t){
nrow(subset(subG$e, (t1==t|t2==t))) # how many filtered edges associated with each sampling time?
names(eTab) <- names(vTab)

#Take the total edge frequency data from the graph and format this information into successes and attempts
#An edge to the newest year falling below the max distance is considered a success
ageD <- bind_rows(lapply(as.numeric(names(tTab)), function(t) {
# for every sampling time (not including earliest)
temp <- subset(subG$f, tMax==t) # get associated bipartite edges
dfs <- split(temp, temp$tDiff) # split by start times

# how many edges in bipartite graph meet distance threshold?
Positive <- sapply(dfs, function(df){length(which(df$Distance<=dMax))})
vTotal <- rep((vTab[[as.character(t)]]),length(dfs)) # FIXME: unused?
tDiff <- as.numeric(names(Positive))
oeDens <- sapply(tDiff, function(tD){
# to calculate the average degree (out-edge density) of known cases from the same time point
oTime <- t-tD # start time for this bipartite graph

# return the number of filtered edges with a node from time oTime
# divide by total number of nodes from oTime

res <- data.frame(Positive=as.numeric(Positive), vTotal=vTab[[as.character(t)]], oeDens=oeDens, tDiff)

#Obtain a model of case connection frequency to new cases as predicted by individual case age
#Use this to weight cases by age
mod <- glm(cbind(Positive, vTotal) ~ tDiff+oeDens, data=ageD, family='binomial')
subG$v$Weight <- predict(mod, type='response',
# subG$v$Weight <- sapply(subG$v$ID, function(id) {as.numeric(substr(id,8,8))})

#Create clusters for this subgraph and measure growth
subG <- simGrow(subG)
cPred <- subset(subG$v, Time<max(Time))[,c("Weight", "Cluster")]

#Create two data frames from two predictive models, one based on absolute size (NULL) and our date-informed model
df1 <- data.frame(Growth = as.numeric(subG$g), Pred = sapply(names(subG$c), function(x) { sum(subset(cPred, Cluster==as.numeric(x))$Weight) }))
df2 <- data.frame(Growth = as.numeric(subG$g), Pred = as.numeric(subG$c) * (sum(as.numeric(subG$g))/sum(as.numeric(subG$c))))
fit1 <- glm(Growth ~ Pred, data = df1, family = "poisson")
fit2 <- glm(Growth ~ Pred, data = df2, family = "poisson")

#Save, gaic, model and age data as part of the output
subG$gaic <- fit1$aic-fit2$aic
subG$ageMod <- mod
subG$ageFit <- fit1
subG$nullFit <- fit2
subG$f <- ageD


#Run across a set of several subGraphs created at various filters, analyzing GAIC at each with clusterAnalyze
gaicRun <- function(iG, cutoffs=NA) {
#@param iG: Expecting the entire Graph, but in some cases may take a subset
#@return: A data frame of each runs cluster information (clusterAnalyze output)

#Initialize a set of cutoffs to observe (based on the genetic distance distribution)
if ( {
steps <- head(hist(subset(iG$e, Distance<0.05)$Distance, plot=FALSE)$breaks, -5)
cutoffs <- seq(0 , max(steps), max(steps)/50)

#A set of several graphs created at different cutoffs
gs <- lapply(cutoffs, function(d) {dFilt(iG, d)})

#Generate cluster data for each subGraph in gs
res <- lapply(gs, function(subG) {compAnalyze(subG)})
names(res) <- cutoffs

3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions tests/testthat/test-analysis.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ test_that("multi.cluster works for components", {
expect_equal(result$Growth, expected)

# TODO: test that this works with reduced edge list

# check that function rejects incompoatible parameter list
expect_error(multi.cluster(obj, param.list, step.cluster))

Expand Down

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