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@daviwil daviwil released this 10 May 15:26

We are excited to announce that we've reached version 1.0! For more information, please see the official announcement on the PowerShell Team Blog.

New script argument UI when debugging (#705)

You can now set PowerShell debugger configurations to prompt for arguments to be passed to your script when it is executed. This is configured using the new ${command:SpecifyScriptArgs} configuration variable in launch.json:

            "type": "PowerShell",
            "request": "launch",
            "name": "PowerShell Launch DebugTest.ps1 w/Args Prompt",
            "script": "${workspaceRoot}/DebugTest.ps1",
            "args": [ "${command:SpecifyScriptArgs}" ],
            "cwd": "${file}"

When you launch this configuration you will see a UI popup asking for arguments:


You can type your arguments to the script as you would in PowerShell:

-Count 5

In future executions of this configuration, you will be presented with the arguments you typed the last time you ran it so that you can easily edit them and test variations!

New hash table alignment formatting rule (#672)

We've added a new code formatting rule that automatically aligns the equal sign in assignments of keys in hash tables or DSC configurations. It also works with nested hash tables! Here's a simple example:


$formatTest = @{
    Apple = 4
    Tangerine = @{
        Orange = 2
        CornflowerBlue = 6
    Banana = 3


$formatTest = @{
    Apple     = 4
    Tangerine = @{
        Orange         = 2
        CornflowerBlue = 6
    Banana    = 3

This formatting rule is enabled by default but can be disabled with the following setting:

"powershell.codeFormatting.alignPropertyValuePairs": false

Added basic module-wide function references support

In the past, finding the references or definition of a function in FileA.ps1 only worked if FileA.ps1 had an explicit dot-source invocation of FileB.ps1. We have removed this limitation so that you can now find definitions and references of any function across all the script files in your project folder! This is especially useful if you write PowerShell modules where all of the source files are dot-sourced inside of the .psm1 file.

This new implementation is very basic and may give unexpected results, so please file an issue on GitHub if you get a result you did not expect!

Other integrated console and debugger improvements

  • Fixed #698 - When debugging scripts in the integrated console, the cursor position should now be stable after stepping through your code! Please let us know if you see any other cases where this issue appears.

  • Fixed #626 - Fixed an issue where debugging a script in one VS Code window would cause that script's output to be written to a different VS Code window in the same process.

  • Fixed #618 - Pressing enter on an empty command line in the Integrated Console no longer adds the empty line to the command history.

  • Fixed #617 - Stopping the debugger during a prompt for a mandatory script parameter no longer crashes the language server.

  • Fixed PowerShellEditorServices #428 -
    Debugger no longer hangs when you stop debugging while an input or choice prompt is active in the integrated console.