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Netflix GPT Create React App Configured TailwindCSS Header Routing of App Login Form Sign up Form Form Validation useRef Hook Firebase Setup Deploying our app to production Create SignUp User Account Implement Sign In user Api Created Redux Store with userSlice Implemented Sign out Update Profile BugFix: Sign up user displayName and profile picture update BugFix: if the user is not logged in Redirect /browse to Login Page and vice-versa Unsubscibed to the onAuthStateChanged callback Add hardcoded values to the constants file Regiter TMDB API & create an app & get access token Get Data from TMDB now playing movies list API Custom Hook for Now Playing Movies Create movieSlice Update Store with movies Data Planning for MainContauiner & secondary container Fetch Data for Trailer Video Update Store with Trailer Video Data Embedded the Yotube video and make it autoplay and mute Tailwind Classes to make Main Container look awesome Build Secondary Component Build Movie List build Movie Card TMDB Image CDN URL Made the Browsre page amazing with Tailwind CSS usePopularMovies Custom hook GPT Search Page GPT Search Bar (BONUS) Multi-language Feature in our App) Get Open AI Api Key Gpt Search API Call fetched gptMoviesSuggestions from TMDB created gptSlice added data Resused Movie List component to make movie suggestion container Memoization Added .env file Adding .env file to gitignore Made our Site Responsive Features Login/Sign Up Sign In /Sign up Form redirect to Browse Page Browse (after authentication) Header Main Movie Tailer in Background Title & Description MovieSuggestions MovieLists * N NetflixGPT Search Bar Movie Suggestions Project Setup Before starting the project please add .env file and add TMDB and OPENAI KEY into it.