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Releases: PrefectHQ/prefect

Contrib Work Makes the Dream Work

08 Jul 13:21
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Released on July 8, 2020.


  • Update flow.slugs during flow.replace - #2919
  • flow.update accepts the optional kwarg merge_parameters that allows flows to be updated with common Parameters - #2501
  • Added poke handler to notify agent process of available flow runs - #2914
  • Add Cancelling state for indicating a flow-run that is being cancelled, but may still have tasks running - #2923

Task Library

  • Add ReadAirtableRow task - #2843
  • Add container_name kwarg to CreateContainer Docker task - #2904
  • Adds an extra_docker_kwargs argument to CreateContainer Docker task - #2915


  • Fix issue with short-interval IntervalClocks that had a start_date far in the past - #2906
  • When terminating early, executors ensure all pending work is cancelled/completed before returning, ensuring no lingering background processing - #2920


Maps? Maps.

30 Jun 21:29
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Released on June 30, 2020.


  • Add apply_map, a function to simplify creating complex mapped pipelines - #2846


  • Make storage location inside Docker storage configurable - #2865
  • Send heartbeats on each iteration of the Cloud task runner's retry loop - #2893

Task Library

  • Add option to BigQueryTask to return query as dataframe - #2862


  • Add more context keys when running locally so that templating is consistent between local and Cloud runs - #2662
  • Fix Fargate agent not parsing string provided containerDefinitions - #2875
  • Fix Fargate agent providing empty parameters if not set - #2878
  • Fix issue with Queued task runs flooding agents with work - #2884
  • Add missing prefect register flow to CLI help text - #2895


Hot Reloading Flows

25 Jun 13:03
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Released on June 25, 2020.


  • Task slugs are now stable across rebuilds of the same Flow - #2531
  • Support configuring executors for LocalEnvironment, KubernetesJobEnvironment, and FargateTaskEnvironment - #2805
  • Flows can now be stored and executed using file-based storage - #2840


  • Add option to set repositoryCredentials on Fargate Agent containerDefinitions - #2822
  • Update GraphQL endpoint to /graphql - #2669
  • Allow Cloud Flow Runners to interact properly with Queued runs - #2741
  • Add Result serializers - #2755
  • Simplify DaskExecutor internals - #2817
  • Set task names in LocalDaskExecutor - #2819
  • Flows registered without an image set will default to all_extras - #2828
  • Improve error message when sending unauthorized requests to Cloud - #2810
  • Forward state change status back to core - #2839
  • Add GitHub storage for storing flows as files in a GitHub repo - #2840
  • Add prefect register flow CLI command for registering flows from files - #2840
  • Add default GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN secret - #2840
  • Create utility function for getting Kubernetes client - #2845

Task Library

  • Adds a MySQL task using pymysql driver - #2124
  • Add some tasks for working with Google Sheets - #2614
  • Add support for HTML content in the EmailTask - #2811


  • Failing to set a state raises errors more aggressively - #2708


  • Fix all_extras tag not being set during CI job to build image - #2801
  • Quiet no candidate Cached states were valid debug logging - #2815
  • Fix LocalEnvironment execute function's use of the flow object - #2804
  • Properly set task names when using DaskExecutor - #2814
  • Fix the LocalDaskExecutor to only compute tasks once, not multiple times - #2819
  • Generate key names for mapped tasks that work better with Dask's dashboard - #2831
  • Fix FlowRunTask when running against locally deployed Server - #2832
  • Make sure image from Docker storage is always used with KubernetesJobEnvironment - #2838
  • Change Environment.run_flow() to prefer executor from flow's environment - #2849


  • Deprecate RemoteEnvironment in favor of LocalEnvironment - #2805
  • Deprecate RemoteDaskEnvironment in favor of LocalEnvironment with a DaskExecutor - #2805
  • Deprecate executor_kwargs in KubernetesJobEnvironment and FargateTaskEnvironment in favor of executor - #2805

Breaking Changes

  • Remove previously deprecated SynchronousExecutor - #2826


Into the Depths

17 Jun 17:24
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Released on June 17, 2020.


  • Depth First Execution with Mapping on Dask - #2646
  • Support use of cloud storage with containerized environments - #2517,#2796


  • Add flag to include hostname on local storage - #2653
  • Add option to set image_pull_secret directly on DaskKubernetesEnvironment - #2657
  • Allow for custom callables for Result locations - #2577
  • Ensure all Parameter values, included non-required defaults, are present in context - #2698
  • Use absolute path for LocalResult location for disambiguation - #2698
  • Retry client requests when receiving an API_ERROR code in the response - #2705
  • Reduce size of serialized tasks when running on Dask - #2707
  • Extend run state signatures for future development - #2718
  • Update set_flow_run_state for future meta state use - #2725
  • Add an optional flow argument to merge to support using it when not inside a flow context - #2727
  • Add option to set service account name on Prefect jobs created by Kubernetes agent - #2547
  • Add option to set imagePullPolicy on Prefect jobs created by Kubernetes agent - #2721
  • Add option to set API url on agent start CLI command - #2633
  • Add CI step to build prefecthq/prefect:all_extras Docker image for bundling all Prefect dependencies - #2745
  • Move Parameter to a standalone module - #2758
  • Validate Cached states based on hashed inputs - #2763
  • Add validate_configuration utility to Fargate Agent for verifying it can manage tasks properly - #2768
  • Add option to specify task targets as callables - #2769
  • Improve State.__repr__ when there is no message - #2773
  • Add support for db argument at run time in the SQLiteQuery and SQLiteScript - #2782
  • Add support for mapped argument in control flows - #2784
  • Use pagination in kubernetes resource manager to reduce memory usage - #2794

Task Library

  • Adds a task to expose Great Expectations checkpoints as a node in a Prefect pipeline - #2489


  • Fix flow.visualize cleanup of source files when using filename - #2726
  • Fix S3Result handling of AWS credentials provided through kwargs - #2747
  • Fix DaskKubernetesEnvironment requiring that an env block is set when using custom specs - #2657
  • Fix PostgresExecute task auto commit when commit is set to False - #2658
  • Remove need for {filename} in mapped templates - #2640
  • Fix issue with Results erroring out on multi-level mapped pipelines - #2716
  • Fix issue with dask resource tags not being respected - #2735
  • Ensure state deserialization works even when another StateSchema exists - #2738
  • Remove implicit payload size restriction from Apollo - #2764
  • Fix issue with declared storage secrets in K8s job environment and Dask K8s environment - #2780
  • Fix context handling for Cloud when working with in-process retries - #2783


  • Accessing prefect.core.task.Parameter is deprecated in favor of prefect.core.parameter.Parameter - #2758

Breaking Changes

  • Environment setup and execute function signatures now accept Flow objects - #2796
  • create_flow_run_job logic has been moved into execute for DaskKubernetesEnvironment and KubernetesJobEnvironment - #2796


Please Sign Here

02 Jun 18:14
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Released on June 2, 2020.


  • Allow for manual approval of locally Paused tasks - #2693
  • Task instances define a __signature__ attribute, for improved introspection and tab-completion - #2602
  • Tasks created with @task forward the wrapped function's docstring - #2602
  • Support creating temporary dask clusters from within a DaskExecutor - #2667
  • Add option for setting any build kwargs on Docker storage - #2668
  • Add flow run ID option to get logs CLI command - #2671
  • Add ID to output of get command for flows and flow-runs - #2671


  • Fix issue with Google imports being tied together - #2661
  • Don't warn about unused tasks defined inline and copied - #2677
  • Remove unnecessary volume mount from dev infrastructure Docker compose - #2676
  • Fix issue with instantiating LocalResult on Windows with dir from other drive - #2683
  • Fix invalid IP address error when running server start on Ubuntu using rootless Docker - #2691


  • Deprecate local_processes and **kwargs arguments for DaskExecutor - #2667
  • Deprecate address='local' for DaskExecutor - #2667


Revert GraphQL Endpoint Change

27 May 14:59
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Released on May 27, 2020.


  • Revert GraphQL endpoint change - #2660

It Is A Hodgepodge My Dudes

27 May 13:25
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Released on May 27, 2020.


  • Add option to set volumes on server start CLI command - #2560
  • Add case to top-level namespace - #2609
  • Use host IP for hostname label in cases where LocalAgent is in container using host network - #2618
  • Add option to set TLS configuration on client created by Docker storage - #2626
  • The start_time of a Paused state defaults to None - #2617
  • Raise more informative error when Cloud Secret doesn't exist - #2620
  • Update GraphQL endpoint to /graphql - #2651


  • Kubernetes agent resource manager is more strict about what resources it manages - #2641
  • Fix error when adding Parameter to flow under case statement - #2608
  • Fix S3Result attempting to load data when checking existence - #2623


  • Deprecate private_registry and docker_secret options on DaskKubernetesEnvironment - #2630

Breaking Changes

  • Kubernetes labels associated with Prefect flow runs now have a prefix (e.g. - #2641


A Fix in the Changelog is Worth Two in the Code

19 May 16:43
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Released on May 19, 2020.


  • Allow log configuration in Fargate Agent - #2589
  • Reuse prefect.context for opening Flow contexts - #2581
  • Show a warning when tasks are created in a flow context but not added to a flow - #2584


  • Add API healthcheck tile to the UI - #2395


  • Fix type for Dask Security in RemoteDaskEnvironment - #2571
  • Fix issue with log_stdout not correctly storing returned data on the task run state - #2585
  • Ensure result locations are updated from targets when copying tasks with task_args - #2590
  • Fix S3Result exists function handling of NoSuchKey error - #2585
  • Fix confusing language in Telemetry documentation - #2593
  • Fix LocalAgent not registering with Cloud using default labels - #2587
  • Fix flow's run_agent function passing a set of labels to Agent instead of a list - #2600


Fix Duplicate Agent Label Parsing

15 May 18:21
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Released on May 15, 2020.


  • Fix duplicate agent label literal eval parsing - #2569

Improved APIs, Who Dis?

14 May 21:04
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Released on May 14, 2020.


  • Introducing new Results interface for working with task results - #2507


  • Allow slack_task to accept a dictionary for the message parameter to build a specially-structured JSON Block - #2541
  • Support using case for control flow with the imperative api - #2546
  • flow.visualize is now able to accept a format argument to specify the output file type - #2447
  • Docker storage now writes flows to /opt dir to remove need for root permissions - #2025
  • Add option to set secrets on Storage objects - #2507
  • Add reserved default Secret names and formats for working with cloud platforms - #2507
  • Add unique naming option to the jobs created by the KubernetesJobEnvironment - #2553
  • Use ast.literal_eval for configuration values - #2536
  • Prevent local cycles even if flow validation is deferred - #2565


  • Add "cancellation-lite" semantic by preventing task runs from running if the flow run isn't running - #2535
  • Add minimal telemetry to Prefect Server - #2467

Task Library

  • Add tasks to create issues for Jira and Jira Service Desk #2431
  • Add DbtShellTask, an extension of ShellTask for working with data build tool (dbt) - #2526
  • Add prefect.tasks.gcp.bigquery.BigQueryLoadFile - #2423


  • Fix bug in Kubernetes agent deployment.yaml with a misconfigured liveness probe - #2519
  • Fix checkpointing feature not being able to be disabled when using server backend - #2438


  • Result Handlers are now deprecated in favor of the new Result interface - #2507

Breaking Changes

  • Allow for setting docker daemon at build time using DOCKER_HOST env var to override base_url in docker storage - #2482
  • Ensure all calls to use the same execution logic - #1994
  • Moved to prefect.tasks.prefect - #2404
  • Trigger signature now accepts a dictionary of [Edge, State] to allow for more customizable trigger behavior - #2298
  • Remove all uses of credentials_secret from task library in favor of PrefectSecret tasks - #2507
  • Remove Bytes and Memory storage objects - #2507
