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ProLoser edited this page Aug 26, 2012 · 19 revisions

NOTE: It's assumed you already installed and familiarized yourself with the CakePHP console. Learning git helps too.

You can install BakingPlate either using git or manual download, but using git is always preferred.

Git Based Installation cake 1.3

  1. Add BakingPlate as a Root Plugin* to your cake installation directory.

git clone git:// plugins/baking_plate

This should result in the following directory structure within you cake installation directory

Cake Install Directory with BakingPlate

  1. Run cake plate at command prompt which will show a list of BakingPlate Shells these commands are used to finalize the installation of BakingPlate.

If BakingPlate is installed correctly you chould see this at the cmd screen

  1. Run cake plate bake [PROJECT_PATH] Where PROJECT_PATH is an absolute or relative path to the new cake app. Follow the instructions of the bake process.

Git Based Installation cake 2.x

  1. Add BakingPlate as a Root Plugin* to your cake installation directory.

git clone git:// Plugin/BakingPlate

  1. Add the plugin in your Config/bootstrap.php
// OR //
  1. Run cake BakingPlate.plate at command prompt which will show a list of BakingPlate Shells these commands are used to finalize the installation of BakingPlate.

  2. Run cake BakingPlate.plate bake [PROJECT_PATH] Where PROJECT_PATH is an absolute or relative path to the new cake app. Follow the instructions of the bake process.

Manual Setup

This approach is very tedious. It is encouraged that you learn Git instead

  1. Download the latest version of BakingPlate and extract the contents of the archive into the folder plugins/baking_plate (Cake1.3) or Plugin/BakingPlate (Cake2.x)

  2. Add the plugin in your Config/bootstrap.php

// OR //
  1. Download the plugins and modules required and add them to their respective directories under plugins(Cake1.3) / Plugin(Cake2.x) or vendors(Cake1.3) / Vendor(Cake2.x).

Advanced Set Up to Shorten Command

Due to changes with Cake2.x running console commands from a plugin requires fairly lengthy commands. With a bit of extra setup you can run BakingPlate with a shorter command, eg plate [add|browse|bake|search]

In ~/.bash_rc or ~/.profile add an alias for plate such as alias plate="cake BakingPlate.plate"