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craig-sloss edited this page May 24, 2024 · 29 revisions

Project Mushroom is funded by contributions from our community. In the interest of transparency, here is how we're spending your money.

2024 Budget


Description Amount
Opening balance $5,016.32
Monthly newsletter subscriptions (estimate) $3,561.30
Annual newsletter subscriptions (estimate) $4,129.34
Total $12,706.96


Description Category Amount
Mastodon server hosting Tech stack $1,536.00
Domain name registration Tech stack $100.00
E-mail sending platform Tech stack $420.00
Newsletter hosting Tech stack $513.12
Moderation Honoraria $2,400
Tool development + core maintenance Honoraria $1,200
New logo and visual identity Honoraria $1,000
Basic functionality reserve Reserve $5,138.24
Total $12,307.36

Actual year-to-date expenditures

Operating fund as of May 24, 2024

Description Amount
Starting balance $5,016.32
Revenue $1,957.28
Honoraria -$1,356.90
One-time fees for service -$309.55
Tech stack -$823.04
Reserve transfer -$2,569.12
Balance $1,914.99

Reserve fund balance as of May 24, 2024 is $2,569.12

Note: due to timing of newsletter subscription contributions, the reserve fund will be established at 50% of its value at the start of the year, and the remaining 50% will be reserved at the end of the year.

Numbers for honoraria and fees include transaction fees associated with those payments.

Budgetary policies

  • Expenses incurred in currencies other than USD will be reimbursed based on the exchange rate on the day that the expense was paid.

  • Expenses are allocated to the year during which the expense was incurred, even if it was paid in January of the subsequent year.

  • Project Mushroom will separate its account into an Operating Fund (for usual expenses) and a Reserve Fund (for the purpose of maintaining basic functionality in the event that revenues decrease).

    • The target size of the Reserve Fund will be set at an amount equal to two years of "Tech Stack" expenses.

    • Provided average monthly revenue exceeds one month of Tech Stack expenses, the Operating Fund may borrow from the Reserve Fund for the purpose of adjusting for uneven timing of annual newsletter subscription revenue.

    • In situations where average monthly revenue drops below one month of Tech Stack expenses, expenses unrelated to the Tech Stack will be suspended, and the Reserve Fund may be used to pay for Tech Stack expenses.

Who to contact

Craig Sloss is managing the bank account with the transactions listed in this document. If you have any questions or concerns, please message him on Spore Social,

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