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Volunteer Roles

Sam Nabi edited this page Feb 13, 2024 · 2 revisions

Project Mushroom Volunteer Roles

Current volunteer roles


Current moderators: Sam N. ( / and Violet M. (

  • Review and respond to moderation reports on and
  • Proactively scan posts for content or behaviour that goes against our rules, inform and educate members via DM
  • Proactively assess other Mastodon instances and identify those with good community rules and moderation practices. These instances may be prioritized on via relays


Current developer: Sam N.

  • Create admin tools to assist with proactive moderation
  • Implement improved UX and custom themes on Mastodon
  • Monitor server health and respond to technical issues for both newsletter and Mastodon
  • Maintain email address and domain names
  • Liaise with Mastodon hosting provider to resolve any technical issues


Current treasurer: Craig S.

  • Authorize payment for expenses and honouraria
  • Present annual budget for discussion and approval by Project Mushroom community

Current recruiting tasks

Newsletter Re-branding
Tasks we are recruiting for Writing / assembling newsletter content; editing and publishing newsletter Design a new logo that moves us away from the logo that is similar to Currently's; make the Mastodon site consistent with the Project Mushroom brand
Contact point Craig S. Sam N.
Estimated time commitment 2-3 hours per newsletter (twice monthly; will rotate assignments among volunteers) TBD
Skills volunteers will need English writing and/or editing skills Brand design and/or front-end web development
Onboarding steps Add to Slack channel; add to Ghost as either a Contributor or Editor; Introduction to Ghost TODO Confirm that these access levels don't access to the e-mail list Add to Slack channel; TBD

Methods for Recruiting

Some potential venues for recruiting volunteers:

  • Project Mushroom newsletter
  • Posts on project.mushroom /
  • Project Mushroom community meetings

If you are interesting in volunteering, send a DM on to or, or send an email to