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Newsletter Process

craig-sloss edited this page Aug 7, 2023 · 14 revisions

Content Ideas

Here are some examples of ways to come up with ideas for content for the Project Mushroom newsletter:

Topic Backlog

Review this list of any specific topics that have been identified for upcoming newsletters, which may be time-sensitive. Add items to this list if you become aware of a topic that needs to be in a future newsletter.

Date created Deadline to post? Topic Contact
August 6, 2023 No hard deadline, but the sooner the better Summary of August 6 Q&A Session Craig / Sam N. / Meg
July 3, 2023 NA Explain how to follow hashtags on Mastodon Sam Nabi

Project Mushroom / Spore Social discussions

  • Activist initiatives with specific calls to action (petitions, mutual aid, etc.)
  • Recruit authors from the PM Community to write guest posts
  • Identify a public post about an event being run by a Project Mushroom member. (It's recommended to check in with the poster as a courtesy even though the post is public.)
  • Find a thread written by a Project Mushroom member; write a brief summary and quick bio of the author and link to the thread
  • Most frequent hashtags / most discussed posts

NOTE: If featuring a post from an individual who has both and project.mushroom accounts, encourage them to post on for visibility in the newsletter.

Project Mushroom news

  • How to get involved in Project Mushroom / Spore Social (e.g. volunteer recruitment or recruitment for compensated positions)
  • New features on the site
  • Governance updates, AMAs, etc.

Creating the Newsletter

Accessing Ghost

  • Go to the Ghost admin login page:
  • The Project Mushroom site address is
  • Sign in with the same account you used to sign up for the Project Mushroom newsletter
  • If you need admin access contact Francis L

Drafting the Newsletter

  • In Ghost, go to "Posts" in the lefthand navigation menu and create a new post
  • Don't forget to upload the Feature Image, which is the "Project Mushroom" banner in the Resources section of this page.
  • The titles typically take the format "Topic 1 + Topic 2: Project Mushroom's Latest"
  • Typical order of sections is: Topic 1, Sponsored Content (if any), Topic 2, Closing Section (see Resources section below for an example)
  • Add a divider, and then a short biography for the curator / editor of the newsletter. Italicize the text, and provide a 2-3 sentence bio: who are they, what is their connection to Project Mushroom, what is an interesting project they are working on?

Reviewing and Sending the Newsletter

Miscellaneous tips

  • Feature image alt text is limited to 150 characters, but this limit does not apply to images within the body of the newsletter
  • Links to posts on will generate previews in the newsletter, but links to posts on project.mushroom won't due to visibility limitations. To allow newsletter readers to access the post, mention that the need to log in to view the post and provide two links: one for users, and one for project.mushroom users. The second section of this newsletter provides an example of this:


Project Mushroom Newsletter Feature Image


Suggested Alt text: "Project Mushroom" in black text on a yellow background next to a yellow-and-black image of a mushroom.

Boilerplate Closing Section

How to get involved in Project Mushroom: Project Mushroom is a Mastodon-based social network focused on climate and social justice. With over 1,400 monthly active users, we are one of the biggest activist communities on Mastodon. If you're not in the space yet, you can click here for an in-depth guide on how to get started on either our or servers.

Project Mushroom recently became independent of its former parent company, Currently Weather Service, and is now fully led by the community. Paid subscriptions to this newsletter now go 100% to funding Project Mushroom expenses, which are primarily server costs. If you have the means, please consider joining the 159 other supporters who help us keep the lights on!

Ghost Training [WORK-IN-PROGRESS]

This is just a rough outline right now, for a "crash course" identifying the key steps to cover in order to create and send a newsletter

  1. Logging in to the Project Mushroom Ghost admin account
  2. Creating a draft post
  3. Adding the feature image + alt text
  4. Changing the post settings (e.g. adding a co-author)
  5. Adding and formatting text
  6. Saving the draft and accessing it again to continue working on it
  7. Adding images and alt text
  8. Adding divider lines
  9. Previewing the page
  10. Sending a newsletter to a test account
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