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Provides access to Wilma's public-api without need for an api-key. Mainly used for the functionality of OtaWilma web-client. Moderately stable, altough provides support for only one school. Not maintained to be production ready

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for starters, please do not use this in production environment. The sheer amount of technical debt that is present in this repository is just too much for anyone to reasonably contribute, or maintain it. On top of being built on Node and using extremely slow HTML parser, it doesn't use TypeScript and therefore lacks static typing for the parser code.


Please just contact me if you are planning to compile the API; I'll be more than happy to let you experience the suffering that is Wilma's API.

The basic compile checklist however is:

  • a running and configured MongoDB instance that the server can access to
  • LOPS2021 and LOPS2016 course-mapping present in database
  • teacher-mapping in database
  • Google-project with Calendar-api enabled and configured
  • following configuration files
    • secret.json that contains signature for jwt-session tokens, database conectiomn details, as well as api keys
    • config.json that contains the port for the express-api
    • google/credentials.json that contains your Google-projects credentials and scopes
      • google/token.json can be generated with util/auth-google.js


At this point, just contact me and I'll provide all the necessary details for how to use the API, and it's constantly changing and broken endpoints


While not perfect and quite undeterministic thanks to its nature, this API's coverage is close to Wilma's official closed API.

This API currently covers the following features of the Wilma.

  • Authentication/sessions

    Create and manage sessions

  • Absences

    List student's absences

  • Calendar

    List upcoming school events

  • Course-tray

    List and manage student's course selections

  • Gradebook

    List student's grades from courses

  • Homework

    List student's current homework

  • Upper secondary school curriculum (LOPS2021 & LOPS2016)

    List information about all the current lops's courses

  • Messages

    List and create student's messages

  • News/announcements

    List school's announcements

  • Schedule

    Fetch student's schedule for specific dates/months

  • Room-specific schedules

    Fetch schedule for specific rooms

  • Teachers

    List school's teachers

This API does not cover the following features of Wilma

  • Accepting and managing your appointments (Tapahtumakutsut)
  • Create absence-forms (Poissolot)
  • List exams and exam results (Kokeet)
  • List your applications and decisions (Hakemukset ja päätökset)
  • List your printputs (Tulosteet)
  • List your upcoming exams (Tentit)
  • List your forms (Lomakkeet)

Docker container

Generate and run docker container

docker run --rm --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/config.json,target=/otawilma/config.json --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/secret.json,target=/otawilma/secret.json --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/google/,target=/otawilma/google $(docker build . -q)


Provides access to Wilma's public-api without need for an api-key. Mainly used for the functionality of OtaWilma web-client. Moderately stable, altough provides support for only one school. Not maintained to be production ready




