- hardware - Files related to boards designed for the code
- odoo/addons/* - Odoo Addons that collects the data
- reciever - Receives sensor data and log to Odoo database
- sensor/* - Sensor Nodes that transmit data
- M5 Stamp C3 doco - https://docs.m5stack.com/en/core/stamp_c3
- HC-12 https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/projects/understanding-and-implementing-the-hc-12-wireless-transceiver-module/
- ESP32 Pin 6 = radio rx
- ESP32 Pin 7 = radio tx
- ESP32 Pin 8 = Radio Set
- ESP32 Gnd = Radio GND
- ESP32 3V3 = Radio VCC
- ESP32 Pin 5 = 18v Battery positive side (Voltage devider)
- ESP32 Pin22 - SCL
- ESP32 Pin21 - SDA