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413 lines (306 loc) · 13.3 KB

Adding Authorization

:app:`Pyramid` provides facilities for :term:`authentication` and :term:`authorization`. We'll make use of both features to provide security to our application. Our application currently allows anyone with access to the server to view, edit, and add pages to our wiki. We'll change that to allow only people who are members of a group named group:editors to add and edit wiki pages but we'll continue allowing anyone with access to the server to view pages.

We will also add a login page and a logout link on all the pages. The login page will be shown when a user is denied access to any of the views that require a permission, instead of a default "403 Forbidden" page.

We will implement the access control with the following steps:

Then we will add the login and logout feature:

  • Add routes for /login and /logout (
  • Add login and logout views (
  • Add a login template (
  • Make the existing views return a logged_in flag to the renderer (
  • Add a "Logout" link to be shown when logged in and viewing or editing a page (,

The source code for this tutorial stage can be browsed at

Access Control

Add users and groups

Create a new tutorial/tutorial/ module with the following content:

.. literalinclude:: src/authorization/tutorial/
   :language: python

The groupfinder function accepts a userid and a request and returns one of these values:

  • If the userid exists in the system, it will return a sequence of group identifiers (or an empty sequence if the user isn't a member of any groups).
  • If the userid does not exist in the system, it will return None.

For example, groupfinder('editor', request ) returns ['group:editor'], groupfinder('viewer', request) returns [], and groupfinder('admin', request) returns None. We will use groupfinder() as an :term:`authentication policy` "callback" that will provide the :term:`principal` or principals for a user.

In a production system, user and group data will most often come from a database, but here we use "dummy" data to represent user and groups sources.

Add an ACL

Open tutorial/tutorial/ and add the following import statement at the head:

.. literalinclude:: src/authorization/tutorial/
   :lines: 1-4
   :language: python

Add the following class definition:

.. literalinclude:: src/authorization/tutorial/
   :lines: 36-40
   :language: python

We import :data:``, an action that means that permission is allowed:, and :data:``, a special :term:`principal` that is associated to all requests. Both are used in the :term:`ACE` entries that make up the ACL.

The ACL is a list that needs to be named __acl__ and be an attribute of a class. We define an :term:`ACL` with two :term:`ACE` entries: the first entry allows any user the view permission. The second entry allows the group:editors principal the edit permission.

The RootFactory class that contains the ACL is a :term:`root factory`. We need to associate it to our :app:`Pyramid` application, so the ACL is provided to each view in the :term:`context` of the request, as the context attribute.

Open tutorial/tutorial/ and add a root_factory parameter to our :term:`Configurator` constructor, that points to the class we created above:

.. literalinclude:: src/authorization/tutorial/
   :lines: 24-25
   :emphasize-lines: 2
   :language: python

(Only the highlighted line needs to be added.)

We are now providing the ACL to the application. See :ref:`assigning_acls` for more information about what an :term:`ACL` represents.


Although we don't use the functionality here, the factory used to create route contexts may differ per-route as opposed to globally. See the factory argument to :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.add_route` for more info.

Add Authentication and Authorization Policies

Open tutorial/ and add these import statements:

.. literalinclude:: src/authorization/tutorial/
   :lines: 2-3,7
   :language: python

Now add those policies to the configuration:

.. literalinclude:: src/authorization/tutorial/
   :lines: 21-27
   :emphasize-lines: 1-3,6-7
   :language: python

(Only the highlighted lines need to be added.)

We are enabling an AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy, it is based in an auth ticket that may be included in the request, and an ACLAuthorizationPolicy that uses an ACL to determine the allow or deny outcome for a view.

Note that the :class:`pyramid.authentication.AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy` constructor accepts two arguments: secret and callback. secret is a string representing an encryption key used by the "authentication ticket" machinery represented by this policy: it is required. The callback is the groupfinder() function that we created before.

Add permission declarations

Add a permission='edit' parameter to the @view_config decorator for add_page() and edit_page(), for example:

@view_config(route_name='add_page', renderer='templates/',

(Only the highlighted line needs to be added.)

The result is that only users who possess the edit permission at the time of the request may invoke those two views.

Add a permission='view' parameter to the @view_config decorator for view_wiki() and view_page(), like this:

@view_config(route_name='view_page', renderer='templates/',

(Only the highlighted line needs to be added.)

This allows anyone to invoke these two views.

We are done with the changes needed to control access. The changes that follow will add the login and logout feature.

Login, Logout

Add routes for /login and /logout

Go back to tutorial/tutorial/ and add these two routes:

.. literalinclude:: src/authorization/tutorial/
   :lines: 30-31
   :language: python

Add Login and Logout Views

We'll add a login view which renders a login form and processes the post from the login form, checking credentials.

We'll also add a logout view callable to our application and provide a link to it. This view will clear the credentials of the logged in user and redirect back to the front page.

Add the following import statements to the head of tutorial/tutorial/

.. literalinclude:: src/authorization/tutorial/
   :lines: 9-16,18,24-25
   :emphasize-lines: 3,6-9,11
   :language: python

(Only the highlighted lines need to be added.)

:meth:`~pyramid.view.forbidden_view_config` will be used to customize the default 403 Forbidden page. :meth:`` and :meth:`` help to create and expire an auth ticket cookie.

Now add the login and logout views:

.. literalinclude:: src/authorization/tutorial/
   :lines: 91-123
   :language: python

login() is decorated with two decorators:

  • a @view_config decorator which associates it with the login route and makes it visible when we visit /login,
  • a @forbidden_view_config decorator which turns it into an :term:`forbidden view`. login() will be invoked when a users tries to execute a view callable that they are not allowed to. For example, if a user has not logged in and tries to add or edit a Wiki page, he will be shown the login form before being allowed to continue on.

The order of these two :term:`view configuration` decorators is unimportant.

logout() is decorated with a @view_config decorator which associates it with the logout route. It will be invoked when we visit /logout.

Add the Template

Create tutorial/tutorial/templates/ with the following content:

.. literalinclude:: src/authorization/tutorial/templates/
   :language: xml

The above template is referred to within the login view we just added to

Return a logged_in flag to the renderer

Add the following line to the import at the head of tutorial/tutorial/

.. literalinclude:: src/authorization/tutorial/
   :lines: 14-18
   :emphasize-lines: 4
   :language: python

(Only the highlighted line needs to be added.)

Add a logged_in parameter to the return value of view_page(), edit_page() and add_page(), like this:

return dict(page = page,
            content = content,
            edit_url = edit_url,
            logged_in = authenticated_userid(request))

(Only the highlighted line needs to be added.)

:meth:`` will return None if the user is not authenticated, or some user id it the user is authenticated.

Add a "Logout" link when logged in

Open tutorial/tutorial/templates/ and tutorial/tutorial/templates/ and add this within the <div id="right" class="app-welcome align-right"> div:

<span tal:condition="logged_in">
   <a href="${request.application_url}/logout">Logout</a>

The attribute tal:condition="logged_in" will make the element be included when logged_in is any user id. The link will invoke the logout view. The above element will not be included if logged_in is None, such as when a user is not authenticated.

Seeing Our Changes

Our tutorial/tutorial/ will look something like this when we're done:

.. literalinclude:: src/authorization/tutorial/
   :emphasize-lines: 2-3,7,21-23,25-27,30-31
   :language: python

(Only the highlighted lines need to be added.)

Our tutorial/tutorial/ will look something like this when we're done:

.. literalinclude:: src/authorization/tutorial/
   :emphasize-lines: 1-4,36-40
   :language: python

(Only the highlighted lines need to be added.)

Our tutorial/tutorial/ will look something like this when we're done:

.. literalinclude:: src/authorization/tutorial/
   :emphasize-lines: 11,14-18,25,31,37,58,61,73,76,88,91-117,119-123
   :language: python

(Only the highlighted lines need to be added.)

Our tutorial/tutorial/templates/ template will look something like this when we're done:

.. literalinclude:: src/authorization/tutorial/templates/
   :emphasize-lines: 41-43
   :language: xml

(Only the highlighted lines need to be added.)

Our tutorial/tutorial/templates/ template will look something like this when we're done:

.. literalinclude:: src/authorization/tutorial/templates/
   :emphasize-lines: 41-43
   :language: xml

(Only the highlighted lines need to be added.)

Viewing the Application in a Browser

We can finally examine our application in a browser (See :ref:`wiki2-start-the-application`). Launch a browser and visit each of the following URLs, check that the result is as expected:

  • http://localhost:6543/ invokes the view_wiki view. This always redirects to the view_page view of the FrontPage page object. It is executable by any user.
  • http://localhost:6543/FrontPage invokes the view_page view of the FrontPage page object.
  • http://localhost:6543/FrontPage/edit_page invokes the edit view for the FrontPage object. It is executable by only the editor user. If a different user (or the anonymous user) invokes it, a login form will be displayed. Supplying the credentials with the username editor, password editor will display the edit page form.
  • http://localhost:6543/add_page/SomePageName invokes the add view for a page. It is executable by only the editor user. If a different user (or the anonymous user) invokes it, a login form will be displayed. Supplying the credentials with the username editor, password editor will display the edit page form.
  • After logging in (as a result of hitting an edit or add page and submitting the login form with the editor credentials), we'll see a Logout link in the upper right hand corner. When we click it, we're logged out, and redirected back to the front page.