BibTex Citation:
title = {{A Fast and Scalable Joint Estimator for Learning Multiple Related Sparse Gaussian Graphical Models}},
author = {Beilun Wang and Ji Gao and Yanjun Qi},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics},
pages = {1168--1177},
year = {2017},
editor = {Aarti Singh and Jerry Zhu},
volume = {54},
series = {Proceedings of Machine Learning Research},
address = {Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA},
month = {20--22 Apr},
publisher = {PMLR},
pdf = {},
url = {}
CRAN R Library page: URL
This repo provides two implementations of the FASJEM algorithm: a novel fast and Scalable approach to estimating multiple sparse Gaussian Graphic Modles (SGGMs) jointly for many related tasks under a high-dimensional situation.
FASJEM is described in the paper A Fast and Scalable Joint Estimator for Learning Multiple Related Sparse Gaussian Graphical Model by Beilun Wang, Ji Gao, and Yanjun Qi and accepted by AISTAT 2017. FASJEM has three major contributions:
- We solve FASJEM through an entry-wise manner which is parallelizable.
- We choose a proximal algorithm to optimize FASJEM. This improves the computational efficiency from O(Kp3) to O(Kp2) and reduces the memory requirement from O(Kp2) to O(K).
- We theoretically prove that FASJEM achieves a consistent estimation with a convergence rate of O(log(Kp)/ntot). On several synthetic and four real-world datasets, FASJEM shows significant improvements over baselines on accuracy, computational complexity and memory costs.
This repo provides two different implementations of the FASJEM algorithm:
the implementation of FASJEM method based on the torch7. To use this GPU version of the FASJEM code, you need to install the torch7 and include the cutorch package.
the R implementation of FASJEM as the R package "fasjem" in CRAN
- install the R "simule" package through R console:
- then load the library simule in R console, by running:
- then run demo to learn basic functions provided by the fasjem R package, by running:
- bugs, maintenance, feedback, questions: Beilun Wang bw4mw [at] virginia [dot] edu
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