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Qendolin edited this page Jul 3, 2023 · 5 revisions


All commands are prefixed with betterclouds: and primarily serve debugging purposes.



Aggregates CPU and GPU performance metrics and prints them to chat.
Note that profiling will negatively affect your game's performance.

profile <interval>

Enables profiling.

  • <interval> specifies the number of frames over which metrics are aggregated

profile stop

Disables profiling.


Creates a frozen copy of your view frustum, which is used for cloud generation and frustum culling.

frustum capture

Captures you current view frustum as a frozen copy.

frustum release

Releases the captured frustum and makes everything go back to normal.

frustum debugCulling

Draws the bounding boxes of the cloud chunks.


Pauses or resumes cloud generation

generator pause

generator resume

generator update


Pauses or resumes cloud animation

animation pause

animation pause <tick>

animation resume


config open

Opens the configuration menu.

config reload

Reloads the configuration file from disk

config gpuIncompatibleMessage <enable>

Controls the incompatible gpu message