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Qendolin edited this page Jun 6, 2023 · 5 revisions

Creating a preset


Default presets

All default presets are defined in a JSON file at ´assets/betterclouds/betterclouds/shader_presets.json´

Requesting a preset for a shader pack

If you'ld like to have a preset for a specific shader pack included in the mod, firstly check if it's not on the list of incompatible shader packs and then just open an issue.

Adding or changing a preset with a resource pack

The mod looks through all resource packs that include betterclouds/shader_presets.json and merges them in the order that is defined by the user.
The structure of the JSON is very simple:

    "preset_key": {
        "title": "Example Preset",
        // ...settings

preset_key uniquely identifies a preset. All settings use lower_case_with_underscores as their keys.

The default preset is special as it is initially selected and made editable when the mod is first launched.

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