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Compute Engine Activity badges

Michel Pawlak edited this page Jan 16, 2017 · 5 revisions


Use the /api/badges/ce_activity?key=<project or view key> URL in order to generate a badge that displays the compute engine activity status of a project or view (available since version 3.0.0)

Possible output

Depending on the project's status and SonarQube configuration, one of the following image types will be generated :

  • [Success] indicates that last compute engine activity resulted in a success
  • [Failed] indicates that last compute engine activity resulted in a failure
  • [Canceled] indicates that the last compute engine activity was canceled
  • [Not Found] indicates that the project / view could not be found


Here is a live badge displaying the status of the last analysis (compute engine execution) of the SVG Badges plugin on

Lines Of Code

Available options

By default, the plugin generates badges with rounded corners. If you want to generate flat badges instead, add the optional parameter template with value FLAT as follows:

/api/badges/ce_activity?key=<project or view key>&template=FLAT (requires version 3.0.0.)

If you want the badge to be blinking if the compute engine is in FAILED status, add the optional parameter blinking with value true as follows:

/api/badges/ce_activity?key=<project or view key>&blinking=true (requires version 3.0.0.)

Display the Compute Engine Activity badge on a web page

You can display Compute Engine Activity badges using HTML or Markdown as follows.

Note 2: The plugin is currently installed on public instance. If you want to display a badge for a project analyzed on, just use as <serverBaseURL>.

HTML Link:

<a href="<serverBaseURL>/dashboard/index/<project or view key>"><img src="<serverBaseURL>/api/badges/ce_activity?key=<project or view key>"/></a>


<a href="http://localhost:9000/dashboard/index/com.qualinsight.plugins.sonarqube:qualinsight-plugins-sonarqube-badges"><img src="http://localhost:9000/api/badges/ce_activity?key=com.qualinsight.plugins.sonarqube:qualinsight-plugins-sonarqube-badges"/></a>

Markdown Link:

[![Quality Gate](<serverBaseURL>/api/badges/ce_activity?key=<project or view key>)](<serverBaseURL>/dashboard/index/<project or view key>)


[![Quality Gate](http://localhost:9000/api/badges/ce_activity?key=com.qualinsight.plugins.sonarqube:qualinsight-plugins-sonarqube-badges)](http://localhost:9000/dashboard/index/com.qualinsight.plugins.sonarqube:qualinsight-plugins-sonarqube-badges)