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Tag Github Actions

This action extract the tag version defined in the labels of the PR related to the latest commit of the current branch.



Allows to crash the action if no tag is found. Default is true



The tag version extracted from the labels of the PR related to the latest commit.

Example usage

To work with this Action, you should add it to the main branch. In the Github Action's workflow, it will take the PR related to the latest commit and read the labels to find the next release version

  - name: Retrieve release tag from labels
    id: tag_release
    uses: quentinchampenois/gh-tag-release-action@main
      crash_on_error: "true"
  - name: Get the next version
    run: echo "This is the next version ${{ steps.tag_release.outputs.tag }}"

Options :

crash_on_error : If set to true, the action will crash if no tag is found. Default is true

How it works

  • Create a release PR
  • Create new label on the PR with one of the following format
    • release: 1.0.0
    • release: v1.0.0
    • release:v1.0.0
    • release:1.0.0
  • Merge the PR
  • Configure the action in your workflow to run on push
  • Action will get the merge commit, retrieve the related PR and extract the tag version from the labels

Example of workflow

You can get the tag version from the next job using the outputs key on job like this :

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: A job to release tags from label
      tag: ${{ steps.tag_release.outputs.tag }}
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Retrieve release tag from labels
        id: tag_release
        uses: quentinchampenois/gh-tag-release-action@main
          crash_on_error: "true"
      - name: Get the next version
        run: echo "This is the next version ${{ steps.tag_release.outputs.tag }}"

And in the next job :

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Create new tag
    needs: [ghtagrelease]
    if: ${{needs.ghtagrelease.outputs.tag}} != 'null'
      - name: Checkout repository
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - name: Create new tag
        id: tag
        run: |
          TAG_NAME="v${{ needs.ghtagrelease.outputs.tag }}"
          git tag -a $TAG_NAME -m "Automatic tag creation"
          echo "TAG_NAME=$TAG_NAME" >> $GITHUB_ENV