See schematic or reference manual of the Nexys A7 board and find out the connection of two RGB LEDs, ie to which FPGA pins are connected and how. How you can control them to get red, yellow, or green colors? Draw the schematic with RGB LEDs.
RGB LED Artix-7 pin names Red Yellow Green LD16 N15, M16, R12 1,0,0
LD17 N16, R11, G14 1,0,0
See schematic or reference manual of the Nexys A7 board and find out to which FPGA pins Pmod ports JA, JB, JC, and JD are connected.
Figure of traffic light controller state diagram. The image can be drawn on a computer or by hand. Always name all states, transitions, and input signals!
Listing of VHDL code of the completed process
. Always use syntax highlighting, meaningful comments, and follow VHDL guidelines:
-- p_traffic_fsm:
-- The sequential process with synchronous reset and
-- clock_enable entirely controls the s_state signal by
-- CASE statement.
p_traffic_fsm : process(clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
if (reset = '1') then -- Synchronous reset
s_state <= STOP1; -- Set initial state
s_cnt <= c_ZERO; -- Clear delay counter
elsif (s_en = '1') then
-- Every 250 ms, CASE checks the value of the s_state
-- variable and changes to the next state according
-- to the delay value.
case s_state is
-- If the current state is STOP1, then wait 1 sec
-- and move to the next GO_WAIT state.
when STOP1 =>
-- Count up to c_DELAY_1SEC
if (s_cnt < c_DELAY_1SEC) then
s_cnt <= s_cnt + 1;
-- Move to the next state
s_state <= WEST_GO;
-- Reset local counter value
s_cnt <= c_ZERO;
end if;
when WEST_GO =>
if (s_cnt < c_DELAY_4SEC) then
s_cnt <= s_cnt +1;
s_state <= WEST_WAIT;
s_cnt <= c_ZERO;
end if;
when WEST_WAIT =>
if (s_cnt < c_DELAY_2SEC) then
s_cnt <= s_cnt +1;
s_state <= STOP2;
s_cnt <= c_ZERO;
end if;
when STOP2 =>
if (s_cnt < c_DELAY_1SEC) then
s_cnt <= s_cnt +1;
s_state <= SOUTH_GO;
s_cnt <= c_ZERO;
end if;
when SOUTH_GO =>
if (s_cnt < c_DELAY_4SEC) then
s_cnt <= s_cnt +1;
s_state <= SOUTH_WAIT;
s_cnt <= c_ZERO;
end if;
when SOUTH_WAIT =>
if (s_cnt < c_DELAY_2SEC) then
s_cnt <= s_cnt +1;
s_state <= STOP1 ;
s_cnt <= c_ZERO;
end if;
-- It is a good programming practice to use the
-- OTHERS clause, even if all CASE choices have
-- been made.
when others =>
s_state <= STOP1;
s_cnt <= c_ZERO;
end case;
end if; -- Synchronous reset
end if; -- Rising edge
end process p_traffic_fsm;